More people will play your game if there is no premades in random bg's

Yeah i “adapted” and joined a premade so i could run over all of you.

And again please don’t try to assume the moral highground unless you want more screenshots of showing how the horde premades enjoy farming games to.

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As I said in my previous post… I’m here to promote and get people to join communities and reignite that fire for Epic BG’s.

They’re here to stay, so join in!

Yet bg’s are dying because of your “communities”. And we are asking why you are defending it if you think it won’t change.

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Yeah rightttt “that fire” m8 they’ve never been more of a ghost town and one sided than they are today.


I’m here to promote

To people that are arguing it shouldn’t be allowed. You came here just to get people riled up

This is what you did… On your (4th) post. My (3rd) post was absolutely neutral ground…

Pointing out facts isn’t riling things up. You still haven’t answered the question.

This was the only question in OP’s post.

How was this not answered?

I don’t know what posts you’re even referring to

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Was referring to this question and you know it.

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He’s trying to deflect.

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3rd post in this topic:

4th post in this topic:

Most people who have been playing the game as long as torturekilla has are multi 1’s like venruki or bajheera.

Torturekilla has played just as long as is still bad. Maybe has even gotten worse because of the brain rot of just running over pugs in unrated content day after day after day with no actually dificult content to stimulate growth.


Not deflecting.

Yeah, I figured you didn’t requote it for a reason. We just established that that post ended with a guy saying synch groups shouldn’t be allowed in random BGs … and your advice was for him to join one.

So when I say synch groups are filled with people that love being toxic, and the shoe fits …


The question refers to why are you defending it if it’s not going anywhere and it’s allowed.


You want to adapt then go do it in a wargame or in the world at a pvp area. So all of your community can join. All the syncers are in bed together anyway. They can set it up. But no you won’t do that because every video game has multiple difficulties to choose from at the starting screen and you keep picking tutorials. Be better, do better.


Not really sure what you’re trying to achieve here, Enfer…

Adapt. You’ll enjoy it.

You’ll enjoy it

I honestly don’t know how anyone except the leaders do. I could understand maybe like 6-8 really close people trying to get into the same EBG, but the idea of 10+ knowing that it’s 90% going to be an easy win sounds more miserable than anything.

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