More people will play your game if there is no premades in random bg's

losing to a legit pvp player is a foregone conclusion pal…
what you are afraid of is your little cheater communities will get shut down when big daddy blizz finally has enough of all this

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He won’t join a BG with you. He’ll AFK out at the first sign of anyone undergeared :joy:

Thankfully, in a PvP Community all are welcome. Geared or not

So basically you’re saying you’re not going to ever try and versus me in the game. We all see why. Have fun and enjoy constantly losing.

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Have fun not being a team player :slight_smile:

They always end up back at the same place. I just wish Blizzard would do something, anything about fixing up PVP. Their lack of attention is disgraceful. It’s why so many have stopped playing rbg and way more have stopped ebg. Just bad seeds ruining a community and Blizzard is nowhere to be found.

Not being a team player? Oh really? Is that why I just helped a 13th person since a month ago reach their first-time goals going from 1500 to 1,850 or even 2k rating on my holy paladin, so that people don’t give up, and actually keep this game alive? Is that why 3 healers have been helped to 2k on my hunter? Right. You’re the one who isn’t in it to win it. You’re actually exposing yourself and that’s pretty embarrassing.

by not being a team player you mean…have fun not cheating and giving an honest effort? thanks pal! i will :slight_smile:


Not much of a team player here.

I can also spew out a bunch of irrelevant claims too if you want?

You’re saying that me helping people go from 1500 up to 2k for their first time is irrelevant, while saying I’m not a team player. I am literally the definition of a team player. You’re the definition of “if I can’t graveyard camp some random unrated nobodies, then I’m not relevant”. Try to stay focused. I’m sure you’re shaking or something IRL over this, and I get it coming from a weaklings standpoint, but this is just bad. You really are getting slammed left and right.

What did you want some pictures and examples of these people’s achievements I’ve helped them get, and helped them avoid being tempted to pay fees to websites? Nah, actually, you’ve already seen my posts about the people I’ve helped.

You lose. Try again.

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You’re not helping anyone, you’re just trying to boost your own ego. And spare me the ‘weakling’ nonsense—talking trash doesn’t make you relevant, it just makes you look pathetic.
Keep pretending you’re some sort of hero, but nobody’s impressed… except your fanboy Soulpriest :joy:

You literally have a profile that screams out “I live in world of warcraft, but I’m not good at it.”

Every single tab on your profile shows that. Sadly, this isn’t the only character you tried to minmax for epic battlegrounds only to be exposed as someone who cannot compete whatsoever in an actual meaningful PvP environment. Also, none of the claims about me you just mentioned, haven been proven at all. Prove it. Oh. You can’t. Ez W.

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Then play against a premade…so you and your buddies can all talk abouit your 9 kids and your 349 hour work week…its not that much to ask blizzard to create that format. I mean they make hundreds of millions of dollars on subs from this game…what your not good enough to play against similar competition? The main reason premades play in Randoms is to curb stomp thats it…honor is useless currency in this game anyways.


ooh haha thats funny. so, what ive deduced from these cheatbags…they dont like being called cheaters. but they can’t find words to explain why…they use an old blue post and thats it. otherwise they just try to baffle us with bs…and that dont work on legit pvp players


Blizzard clearly disagrees with you. They have said and it’s been linked ad nauseum here in these very forums that clicking join as group at the same time in discord is perfectly fine to do. Get over it.

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And actually ALL communities do this, alliance communities included.

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I dunno, we started last evening with seven groups. I’d say things are going well. We were split quite a lot, but we had fun regardless.

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They like to pretend they are “Lively” when in reality once you get in there its like again 30-40 people maybe on the high end who are actually reliably there on a frequent basis.

“oh my gurd look at us 900 members oh jeeze” When its really just 75% low level alts they just spam invited.

Ruin would frequently put themselves in lfg to get more people to come to their events.

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Forums mods are not blizzard.


tbf that’s also why I solo queue on hunter.

The only fix to PVP is an overhaul.

There’s being a team player and then there’s having your time wasted because the gear gap is so severe that your team can’t survive two hits. Match maker routinely lays eggs, this isn’t anything new.

They use an old blue post that confirms three people ending up in the same BG isn’t a reportable offense, no less, and then claim it’s an endorsement that Blizzard shut off the ability to queue as a raid because they fully expected people to jump through these obtuse methods to bypass it.