I love the classic Andy logic of everything is perfect and cannot be questioned. If you have one complaint, or suggestion “go play retail”
Press X for doubt.
There are a lot of reasons to quit TBC. The lack of dual spec isn’t one of them.
And yes, I would love dual spec.
1 complaint? Lol 1 complaint?! Do you not frequent these forums?
Actually we want tbc with dual spec, classic would have been lightyears better with dual spec too
Bruh, you’ve got legit no argument except if you don’t think it’s perfection, then leave
This will kill Classic.
Or or, that I signed up to play Burning Crusade and Burning Crusade never had dual spec. There are countless arguments against dual spec all over these forums in the countless dual spec threads. Honestly at this point I almost want Blizzard to give in to your demands so we can stop pretending this is TBC.
This is still TBC you guys are actually so dramatic lol
How can Blizzard change TBC? Let me count the ways….
Phase Walker Mount
Same faction BGs
Increased token drop rate from bosses
Alliance loot boxes for BGs
Pally Seals
Reduced honor costs for gear
Arena rating requirements for PvP gear
I’m sure I’m forgetting some, the changes just keep rolling in.
You mean the state of awesome?
Boost and Phase Walker have next to zero impact on the game, hit me up when you can buy a 2nd boost.
Same faction BG’s fantastic change
Increase tokens happened in real TBC, they are doing this to make up for the fact that TK/SSC wasn’t out at launch, so overall it’s about the same.
Pally seals? Don’t care, most people don’t care.
Drums? Don’t care, hardly anyone is sweaty enough to care.
Reduced honor cost? We don’t even know the amount yet, but getting pvp gear shouldn’t take 500hrs
Arena rating requirements, arguably the only thing you mentioned that I agree is a dumb change
None of these things effect the overall feel of TBC at all though. I’m having a good time, you seem like you just hate everything. Try enjoying your life a bit more.
Or we can pay no mind to their theatrics. How about we wait until Wrath, hmm?
It never was TbC. This is TbC classic. Hows that seal of blood working out by the way?
If you take a Classic car and make changes to it, is it still the same car? That’s basically what we’re talking about here. Some of us would like it to be as close as possible to the original.
Knowing how he is a TBC purist, I’m sure he refuses to use it
This is the actual game, and it’s frickin’ awesome.
TBH you’re probably right. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the vast majority of players wanted dual spec.
But that’s immaterial. Sometimes what is good for the game is not to give everything everyone wants immediately. We know it’s coming - waiting offers the benefit of having a drawcard feature in the works that keeps people interested and looking forward.
I don’t really see any business benefit in giving dual spec up early, and as far as gameplay simply reducing respec costs in the interim is a cheaper easier solution less risky.
It just isn’t necessary to blow the dual spec card early.
That’s assuming the more benign WoTLK version of the feature.
P.S. I highly doubt anyone is seriously leaving because they don’t have dual spec yet. If anything, having it in the wings is motivation to stick it out and stay. Getting bored because there’s nothing in the game to strive for or look forward to is what makes people quit.
And some of us would like it to have an improved suspension and 700hp
That’s like asking people add things to their cars like decals, superchargers, paint jobs, etc.
It’s because we like it that we want it to change.
Or just seat belts.