More Nightborne customizations please!

I love the lore behind the Nightborne. An entirely magical based society of elves? Yes please! Unfortunately they’re sorely lacking in customizations compared to almost all other races (I fully acknowledge there are races with less options than them, this is just a wish post).

I’d be fine if we even started small. They NEED more skin tone options to start with. And I don’t mean human-esque skin tones! They are NOT human. They need more light purples and blues. I would also like the men to have at least 1 or 2 handsome faces. A toggle to permanently make their arcane tattoos more visible, right now it’s just like a whisper you occasionally catch a glimpse of. Give us arcane sparkly freckles too! Their customizations could be really unique and cool, making them feel like a race of their own instead of just thin night elves with less options lol.


Honestly all the Allied Races (except Void Elves) could use an update to their customizations.

Dark Iron Dwarves can’t even customize their beard & mustache separately like regular Dwarves. :(


I have no idea why they think Nelfs and Nightborne males consistently need to be old, prune-like or angry… but they really need to fix that.

Nightborne absolutely need a ton of customization.

I also agree that most of the Allied Races need the same.


You can have more here until we get more things for them :dracthyr_yay_animated: :

Give us Fat Stormwind Humans first

I just want them to continuously add a few new options, for the races with the least, every content patch. They don’t need to follow the theme of the patch. Some of the allied races, as others have mentioned, are sorely lacking.

Maybe make it an internal contest where anyone from any team can design some options, and the best ones go in the next patch, or something.

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This is exactly what I came here to suggest when I saw the thread title. They have some fantastic tattoo designs. I would just like to see the damn things!


No, them too. More voidly customisations would be great. Like so:

Some more hairstyles for the gents that actually look good would also be appreciated. Most of them are terrible. Just give us a simple, straightforward long hair option!

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This! In lore, the elf men are also incredibly handsome. Every flavor of elf that is the case… In game they all look constipated except for the blood/void elves… The heck?


If anything, the fact that they have been biologically immortal for 90% of their existence means short of like withered Nightborne they should all look like they’re in their mid 30’s or relatively young, only really accounting for the 10 or so years they’ve been mortal and actually aged.