More Mount Drop/Timer suggestions

The increased dropchance on the World Boss mounts was overdue and has been extremely well received now that it’s finally here. Many happy new Heavenly Onyx owners, and I got the Nalak mount myself yesterday.

But may I suggest a few more adjustments for other mounts?

Either drop chance, respawn timing or protection, or adding skips…

  • Soundless: 2-8 Hour respawn timer for a low drop chance, spawns in multiple locations. Please reduce the respawn to something more in line with the Mechagon Rares with similar drop chances (30-90 minutes)
  • Great Sea Ray: Used to drop like flies back in 8.0, then was overnerfed. I know multiple people with over thousands attempts on it, even into the 5 digits. Please increase the drop chance, but not as high as the 8.0 version.
  • The dropchance of Rusty Mechanocrawler is too low.
  • Mythic Mounts have to be turned into push-personal loot when they become Legacy Content. Mounts like Urzul, Tidestorm and Allseer have a smaller chance to drop for you the more people you bring, as the boss can only ever drop one. Assuming they are 1%, this means with a 20 man, it turns into a 0.05%. For comparison, this is the same as pre-buff World Boss mounts. Considering BFA is still not soloable and Legion also became harder due to lacking tuning, this would be a welcome change.
  • Tanaan Bosses like Vengeance and Doomroller need more consistent spawning, and oneshot protection.
  • We are still waiting for a Siege of Orgrimmar Garrosh skip.
  • And a Icecrown Citadel Lich King skip.
  • Make zones with elusive rare spawns not automatically reset every 15 minutes. Zones like Storm Peaks and Deepholm (TLPD / Aeonaxx) and the WoD zones minus Tanaan. (Voidtalon and the other draenor mount rares)

Since returning to WoW just a couple weeks ago, I once again, again, I said again, have started fishing for a Great Sea Ray. I managed to take a break from this daunting achievement and go fish up 2 Strange Goop from Zereth Mortis, in about 1200 casts or so. With over 15000 BfA fish caught, I still have not gotten a Great Sea Ray. I agree that this is not cool. I’ve been WoW fishing for over 10 years, and I know what it takes to get some of these items, but this one is far beyond anything reasonable.

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The drops should have bad luck protection of like 200+kills tops :slight_smile:


By %, it should take about 3333 catches to get a Great Sea Ray. I think that 200 kills is a bit low of a bar to set, and RNG is always a thing, but nothing should be this bad for so many people.

I meant that for raid/dungen mounts .

I still think 200 kills would be a low number to set, (not that Blizz would do such a thing anyway)
I have killed The Headless Horseman almost every day, every year, on every character I can, and still no Headless Horseman’s Mount drop yet either. Luckily for me, mounts are not my thing,…fishing achievements are. :slight_smile:

200 kills is not low bro as you have to run all the way to the places and then kill again i m only saying this for dungens and raid kills . The only event mount i have ever had issues with is from love is in air event that mount is so low drop rate i m currently at like 500 which was like 3 years ago when i said f it . If you are interested in only fishing ones then you have no idea how tedious it is to run from one place to another and then after hours go to another and so on PER WEEK .

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Exactly, there’s 2 factors about RNG: % drop rate and attempts but players usually forget about the second factor, for example BFA drop mounts like:

those can have a lower drop % because you can kill a ton of npcs, there’s 2x4 farm groups and also you need to take on consideration that it can be sell in the AH as bonus.

In the other hand, We’ve mounts like Holiday Dungeon events or Worldbosses with 0 engaging gameplay…which should be the priority and a really low drop % for the amount of attempts and If you want to have a better scenario, you’ll need as many alts as possible (so you can roll the dice again and again)… the game shouldn’t be a big slot machine that doesn’t have a way to get those goals/rewards for years.

please up the spawn % for tlpd :sob: i’ve been stuck in this cursed zone for a week


My GF is a mount and pet collector. I know all too well how tedious it can be, We have played WoW since vanilla, and I helped her get to those mounts and pets many many times.

I recently got this after ~450 kills and would love to know why this rusty pos has such a low drop rate

TLPD would be fine if zones didnt reset every 15 minutes if nobody has been in that zone.

You have to camp it or be on a big server to find it now.

Rarity reset a few times for me but I believe I was somewhere around 500 attempts in BFA, and I’m already at another 200. From all those kills I only ever saw 1 player loot it while I was there.

Way too low.

I think bad luck protection would be nice, something that kicks in at 500 attempts accwide or 100, maybe 200 on 1 character. But we’ve been asking for bad luck protection for years. I don’t see them adding it.

Ive said this before either a big drop chance with a long timer or a non existent timer for a nonexistent drop chance.

Long waits for no drop chance wastes everyones time.

I want to play the game not stare at a spawn location afk for 20 mins a charcater

One-shot protection still wouldn’t address the fact that they’d die so fast, you couldn’t get to them anyway. afaik, their spawn is random. It also needs to be a fixed rotation so you know where to stand next (and what if you get phased/ out of rotation??)

6+ years overdue. The length of this dungeon is… just ridiculous.

And I’ll end with an idea I suggested 10+ years ago and I still stand behind:

Nothing should be less than a 1% drop rate; and every attempt you have for an item increases the drop rate 1%. After 100 attempts, you’ve earned it.

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That is if you’re lucky to find it on a large server. Problem with the TLPD is that it has such a long spawn timer and spawns anywhere within the SP. Being in the right place at the right time is sort of hoping that you can find a needle in the hay stack within 10 minutes without using a magnet.

Just to clarify, it doesn’t “spawn anywhere.” It has 4 specific spawn points. That makes camping it much more deterministic than just randomly flying around a whole zone.

Well, technically yes, but still a large zone, and still a lot of area to fly.

We can kill once a day or week, you can endlessly fish.
You could easily fish 3,333 fish way faster than we could farm 200 days or weeks.

Its not the same.

Drop chance needs bad luck protection. Spawn rates of historic rares needs to increase (happy to have a daily / weekly lockout) as I shouldn’t have to spend 1-2 hrs AFK on a game i pay to play for a 1% chance at a drop esp when no-one is making parties for kills as these rares die so fast. Make universal 15 min timers 0.5-1% chance, with bad luck protection guaranteed at 200 kills.

Again-- it doesn’t matter how big the zone is. You’re just camping the spawn points. Once they changed it with that “empty the shard if no one’s in it for 15mins” thing … you shouldn’t really ever have to fly around.

Any one spawn point is just as likely as another, so there’s no point in “checking a different spot.” Just pick one and sit.

“Flying around” is actually the WORST thing to do.