I’m going to be a mage!
I’m going to be a mage!
Disagree with what, that more body options = bad?
Nobody is saying you have to play a buff body style for drac.
Edit: I literally main vulpera as a race. I don’t play overly buff either. But drac just look…off.
Our real dad is Jar Jar Binks.
I’m fine with no dad then. really I’m good.
The novelty of having an extra 2 stops might take a long time to wear off.
Imho, it’s another nail in the Druidic coffin, another tank or two get +2 stops and. Druids fail further behind.
Maybe devs will take the lesson learned from VDH multi-stops needing to be reined in, and not make that same mistake with dracthyr tanks.
Wishful thinking?
Exactly my stance…all of the male models have hands almost double the size of your head, 6 packs, jaws that could cut glass, and broad defined chest and shoulders.
Theres not a single twink race in the game besides Male Dracthy/vulpera. People say blood elves, but im convinced those people have no idea what a twink is. They think that because the blood elves arent literal fridges that they are twinks.
Blood elves are still way more built than 99 percent of you irl and could knock you out with a punch. Theyve got 6 packs.
Male Dracthyr still have 6 packs in visage form, but at least they have more “twink” facial options
Bovar cant make more DK’s.
The only way to have more Dk’s going forward is to fix the helm, or bronze dragon timey wimey.
Oh no i disagree with buff = better
And thats mostly because there still arent skinny male character models like bruh please i dont want to be he man
Okay well nobody said you have to be a buff character. And nobody said having slightly chest muscles means they need to necessarily be buff.
Nobody is saying we have to get rid of the thin body type, we just want one that looks more like the meatier varieties of dragonbois in game.
As a Dracthyr player, as fun as it may be, would be 100% op and broken. In raids and mythics I use them both a ton and it would be ridiculous if all classes could get them as racials. It would be insanity, and nearly every endgame player would be Dracthyr just because of the sheer utility of both racials.
I’m 100% sure it’s because they’re too lazy to give dragon form full transmog lmao.
Wtb lizard dk.
I don’t think everything related to Death is tied to a single helm.
More variety in the DK narrative would be nice.
The whole “stay in visage form” thing just makes me think even blizzard isn’t satisfied with the lizard design
Just delete them if that’s the case.
It’s like Worgen being human all the time. Are they even Worgen at that point?
OR actually invest some effort and fit transmog into the dragons.
Everything related to the Lich King is, which Death Knights are.
My point is that DKs don’t have to be tied to the Lich King.
Give them all races for visage, regardless of faction. Then those lizards will be interesting. Before that? No thanks. Not interested in being a female human of a male belf.
Making a DK isn’t tied to the helm.
Necromancers were recruited to raise more of them during the Legion invasion. It’s just a specific form of undeath through a specific necromantic ritual.
But no undead paladins.