More LGBT transmog options, a tabard perhaps?

They have those toys that put flags on your characters backs. They should make one thats a pride flag

and then another one thats a pride flag and it makes the rainbow trail from the Prismatic Bauble

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a toy has a cooldown I want an item that I can have on always to show my pride.

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…You make a good point!

I was foolish and blind.

Cloak transmog that is a rainbow pride flag (And the others, but I am partial to a rainbow)

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No, because then every possible group will also want their own tabard, and it will be endless.

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I want a tabard with a crescent moon.

Ok ok, hear me out.

I’m LGBT…and I would 100% wear a rainbow tabard in wow.

But only because rainbows are pretty, and I like them. :slight_smile:



Sashay away.

I want a tabard made out of the old Soviet flag.


He stated an opinion, you’re the one that decided you needed to insult him for having an opinion. From my point of view, you’re the one that’s in the wrong. :man_shrugging:


I wouldn’t ever use it, but a rainbow tabard would be great! I’m sure plenty RPers would appreciate this, and even just normal folks who are proud of who they are, and want to express it.

Rainbow tabard would be nice. We could use more rainbows in-game.
You could transmog into a whole rainbow set right now, though. We do have a lot of colorful armor. :rainbow:



Plus 10

Doesn’t every gay nerd have a prismatic bauble :rainbow_flag: macro’ed to every mount or movement spell? If not, why not? Get yours today (if the Mad Merchant is up, otherwise whenever is most convenient :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

I’m kicking myself for not thinking of this because I think I have everyone of those pieces.

And yes, I wouldn’t object to a tabard to go along with it.


I wouldn’t mind a rainbow to represent the Noahic Covenant in game! Good idea.

the what???

How about we just get a good male thong instead?
I don’t want a rainbow tabard. I want a good thong for males.

Like the 9000000000 that exist for females.

yaaas bikini armor for guys in the game wouldn’t be a bad idea :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: . and yaas! a rainbow tabard would be awesome for everyone.

I am a mechophile… I get turned on by my car. I want representation too.


It’s surprising to me that even a troll thread like this one doesn’t get removed, because it contains “LGBT” in it. A same troll thread, replaced with “Straight” would get deleted within an hour.


Because the company is scared that someone might make a big deal out of it on Twitter.