More LGBT transmog options, a tabard perhaps?

So it shouldn’t be hard to link one? Go ahead!

What makes an LGBT player any different to any other player, say… a Human?

Why would they deserve special treatment?

Are you saying All LGBT types should run around in rainbow colored plate armor?

Must they dress a certain way to be LGBT to you?

Why can’t people just be people?

Can’t straight people be expressive too?

Why does everyone suddenly need a label?

I’m so tired of all this “include me by excluding others” nonsense.


I love how defensive you’re getting already lmao. Here’s one that took .2 seconds to find. Why LGBT Representation matters - #16 by anon24832510

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Here’s the OP:

Point out where they’re requesting something?

I mean, you claim to have known this was a troll all along but you still came in with a soapbox about those gays always wanting things. I’m just asking you to back it up. Can’t be that hard, right? They’re all over the place, right?


I just stated my thoughts on the matter in general and it wasn’t necessarily directed at OP. Clearly you’re getting upset about it so I’ll just leave it as is.

They could add all the transgender flags as tabards and make it so in June all the city guards would be wearing them

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Yes, and in failing to back those up you’ve shown us all where they’re really coming from.


Lmao ahh yes of course. You win!!
Man to be that petty and upset all the time. Feel bad for you, have a good one though.

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Because there’s a thin line between the trolls and the actual members that reeeee all day until they’re force represented.


LGBT representation makes sense & is a positive addition, but I don’t know if the real-world iconography (rainbows, etc) would make thematic sense for the game.

While attitudes towards gender and sex in the game are 100% malleable in how they are presented, it is a fantasy game & it’d be a bit jarring to see, say, a trans rights flag in the game as a texture. The message is good, but the mechanism behind it doesn’t fit the game. Characters and their interactions are probably the best way to go about this.

To be honest, I would almost call WoW thematically asexual, but I also don’t read dialogue or quest descriptions.

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This is bait isn’t it?


I’d like a chaps transmog.

Tbh. That’s gone too far.

I keep seeing the various communities demanding equality…

Yet threads like this are put here to say “I’m different, treat me differently!”.

This creates inequality.

If you want people to be equals, and all to be tarred with the same brush, stop telling the world you are different, and demanding inequality.

Be a Human, not a Label.

Or… expect to be treated differently than others and fitting of your labels which is counter to the very argument you’re all trying to make.

People learnt this stuff in the 1940’s, how are we all forgetting it so soon?


Who’s demanding equality? What are you talking about? The OP made a post about representation, which is just… having people of a group in a game.

What inequality would LGBT representation create? Does LGBT people existing cause you or others harm?

Generally-speaking, the point of representation in media is to diminish the notion of a group being “different”, and to normalize their presence.

I can’t make heads or tails of this.

Ah yes, LGBT representation and how it’s literally the same thing as… WW2?


That’s pretty easy to say when this so-called meaningless “label” can get you ostrasized, killed, or kicked out of your home, and in some countries, violently oppressed by law. We aren’t even being asked to be treated differently, we want to have some LGBT people in the game, like there are plenty of straight couples in the game. How is this asking to be treated differently?

On topic here…
I don’t see why the WoW playerbase has such an issue with LGBT people wanting representation. We would like to see people like us in the game, which we have not for 15 years except for minor NPCs. And now we’re getting it, and we’re happy.

The OP does not represent us, and they’re pretty obviously a troll. The fact that he’s getting you all stirred up is proof that he’s getting what he wants, the same way that 4chan made up all those things like clovergender or MAPs – to invalidate LGBT people and what they actually want. Some people in this thread think he’s being genuine.

That’s literally the point.


You’re ignoring the point, on purpose no less, to weaponize your label.

You’re a human, the same as any other.

If you want to be treated differently, that’s fine, but stop complaining when it happens.


I actually don’t get your logic. We’re being asked to be treated the same. There are straight couples in WoW. Why not have gay couples?

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What point am I ignoring? I responded to you literally line by line, point by point, and asked questions, which you ignored. I have no label to weaponize. What are you talking about?


all the armor in the game and not one rainbow piece, this is a magical game and rainbows are pure magic. this is a good opportunity for everyone.