Are there any more knockers for the rogue class hall besides the two in Dalaran?
Like, for the Warrior class hall, there’s jump ports all over Legion, but I can’t find any knockers anywhere else besides the ones in Dalaran. It’s annoying always flying back to Dal to get into the rogue hall >:(
Lol she’s talking about the Rogue class order hall entrances- they’re hidden doors accessed by a ‘knocker’ on the wall that lets you in. And there’s a few hidden around.
I was always envious of Rogues and Mages because their class order halls were actually in Dalaran.
But, also, the Monk and Hunter order halls were simply awesome anyway, so I didn’t mind it. Trueshot Lodge and the giant sea turtle were cool on their own.
Hehe, thanks! Only legion halls I have dealt with are Monk and Mage. So I suppose I have never seen what it’s like to have a Dal legion hall.
I slowly get around to past content, and at this point I’m kind of waiting to see if we are going to get Remix: Legion… Which would be awesome because then I would get all the classes/titles/mounts without being out of Live content as much.
You mean the secret door-handle things to do a secret knock & get you to the rogue-order hall? Okiedokie … I feel your thread’s been flagged due to people misinterpreting what you had meant by “More Knockers”