More fdk buffs posted, Thoughts

You’re forgeting to mention all the times UH was overperforming and then fDK cops it in the blanket DK nerf when it was struggling to keep up.

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See the post above you for how most people responded to those nerfs. You don’t see boomies, spriest, sub rogues, etc writing those kinds of posts.

Ultimately I agree with you that the devs haven’t delivered on this class. I also don’t mind people writing out their opinions, but I don’t under any circumstances want to have mobility taken away in this meta. Everyone’s mobile and has self healing and defensives.

I think FDK is going to remain dumpster tier until it gets a rework. It’s not a spec that just needs a few adjustments.


Yeah we also do too much damage and live too many situations, i reckon we should get unnecessarily nerfed there too

I can’t seem to find anything about Frost DK anywhere. Where is this posted?

DKs on these forums have some out of place ideas about what DK should be. They use Arthas in HoR as a basis for movement speed, only the grunts for weapon type, and 2h damage in WoD as to what DK should be.

Arthas lost in HoR.

Grunts are grunts.

WoD was absolutely terrible for Frost DK.

The Blizzard devs have been listening to the playerbase. Flarkness was ranting and raving that the changes in 10.1.5 were exactly what he was pushing. The funny thing is that the change they did to Obliterate in PvP is going towards removing Frostreaper functionally. So what is the point in having it? Its clearly causing issues in not only pvp but pve as well. Why even have it?

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are you trying to replace kelliste as the #1 troll?

other classes have more mobility, more dmg, both burst and sustained, and more defensive kit than we do.


There’s zero reason to not improve each of those for us, other than incompetence or deliberate malice.

you’re insisting it must be a zero sum game, when its not for anyone else, except us.

Except us.

Yeah that’s my point. I don’t want this class to sacrifice anything. Doesn’t do the most damage, doesn’t have good defensives, and I don’t want to trade off mobility.

Queued into a Sub/Boomie/WW lobby last night. Everyone’s tanky and has tons of mobility so I don’t see why DK can’t have that too.

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LMAO you high? Velgan and I are saying the exact same thing as you less mobility and damage wil or would be the end of the spec. Re read the thread, looks like you’re in agreement with Velgan and I rather than not.

BTW raising the minimum on Obliterate was my idea. 3 bloody years ago. Too bad they implemented it after gutting the spec. Ah well maybe next expac the PvP tuners get replaced.

To raise the base damage they basically had to put in another check of the system. Check to see if you have a KM proc, if not increase the damage of Obliterate by 75%. So in order to fix a problem that was created by a change that wasnt needed, they had to add yet another band-aid.

Is this what people wanted? A spec made of band-aids?

There is also a reason why i have who you responded to on ignore.

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Which is in fact raising the minimum? Oblit at full crank isn’t bad it’s the non km that was an issue in PvP. I don’t see it as a bandaid rather than a polishing that should have happened years ago.

The PvP talents are utter garbage and those are in fact bandaids for all the things they took from frost over the years. Have a look at those changelogs. It’s asinine.

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Yeah, it raises the baseline, but it basically accomplishes in turning Obliterate into what it was before SL. KM is still the thing causing the issue, this is just a work around of the issue. When KM procs however it takes the actual baseline of the ability.

Its a band-aid through and through. If this is making Obliterate act how it did prior to SL how is it polishing something when this proves Frostreaper shouldnt have happened at all. Could have achieved this just by keeping Obliterate as it was and doing minor balance changes.

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It’s Raziael, we don’t agree on that and never have. The spec has never been as consistently good in PvE as it has been since Legion introduced a bunch of changes you didn’t like and SL introduced frost reaper. PvP is what we’re talking about here anyway.

The issue in PvP is the devs launched an unfinished game and proceeded to tune the classes that were finished around the unfinished classes leading to shaman DK, rogues (to a lesser extent) spriest and several healers getting gutted. Then the team turned around and made the unfinished classes operate at a higher performance than the finished classes pre nerf. The team has literally no idea what they’re doing or why this expac with PvP.

Unholy damage nerfs this week when WW or booomy can pump out 500k a few globals and do almost as much damage as Unholy with CDs going when either of those classes do nearly as much with no CDs going. Frost being about half as much damage as ret or arms despite having no off heals or other team saves (bop, sac,freedom etc) mortal strike or mobility.

I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned the control, fdk has Asphix, rw stun, frostwyrm stun, strang, blinding, and I’m missing something because I haven’t had coffee yet. I’m not saying frost should do no DMG because of those things but it’s sort of funny that frost has more cc than rogue and it’s going unmentioned.

Here’s another kicker Unholy is the only DPS spec in PvP that has the value of its mortal strike calculated in the damage total at the end of the game on the in game score board. That’s some idiot underhanded sh!t right there.

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Just because something is good in terms of performance doesnt mean that its fun or without complaints.

The PvP change makes it more like BFA. The baseline is still technically really low, and it has to be that way for KM. For instance. I have 50% mastery (not playing this poor excuse of an expansion) and my KM procs are barely higher than a regular crit on a pvp dummy and this is going to be increased yet again so a regular crit, and a KM proc will most likely do very close to similar if not identical damage… whats the point of Frostreaper if thats the goal?

14k on pvp target
28k crit
33k KM proc (basically just bypassing the armor reduction)

Whats the point of Frostreaper if this is the goal? I dont get it. Those numbers are just basline as well so no one needs to go like “bonegrinder, whelps, RI” and all that other stuff. It was also with a 2h, but the premise still stands. Whats the point of taking this long road just to arrive at BFA design in terms of Obliterate for pvp?

They always launch unfinished games with the new Dev team. Look at what Diablo 4 is going through right now, OW2, DF and they cant even release a sure fire win like Wrath Classic without driving people away saying “relive the classic” and then sticking their dirty fingers in the finished soup spoiling the whole thing.

Then why give money to an incompetent company?

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