More 'Evil' Draenei Skin Tones

The lore implications of playable broken (aka the Ashtongue Deathsworn and Krokuul factions) would help to differentiate base Draenei from their Lightforged brethren. If you wanted to go absolutely crazy, you’d open up warlocks and demon hunters to Draenei and offer red skin tones.

Broken of Outland

  • represented by Nobundo and/or Akama
  • taught shamanism to the Draenei
  • serve the Alliance
  • deserve a redemption story
  • closure given to Velen for abandoning his people twice

Krokuul of Argus

  • represented by Hatuun
  • aided in the fall of Sargeras
  • stranded on a broken planet
  • closure given to Velen for abandoning his people twice

Eredar Lords

  • could have doubted Sargeras just like Kil’Jaeden did
  • could have served under Illidan like many other demons did
  • possible redemption for Rakeesh (Velen’s son)
  • or better yet, just keep them evil and have NPCs spit on them.

The fel-touched / red Draenei skin would be nuts and it pushes the lore closer towards its logical conclusion. Velen re-uniting his people under one banner. If the Light forsakes him for housing these “outcast” Draenei, then so be it. It’s about time the truth about the Light was revealed. Let the Lightforged be the Light fiends and let Velen have his hero’s journey. He must have doubts in the Light after witnessing what happened on Argus with Illidan, X’eera, and the Gift.


Draenei warlocks/rogues/demon hunters would work perfectly for me if it was through these draenei races.


Eredar Warlock. :heart_eyes:



red draenei is like the red gyarados of WoW. cmon blizz plz


I don’t hate this idea. Draenei and Orcs were both tormented by the Burning Legion so you could spin both of those races being Demon Hunters.


No to Draenei Warlocks.
Draenei do NOT like fel, and if they were to be Eredar, they’d be kill on sight for EVERYTHING, doesn’t matter how theoretically ‘redeemed’ they are.


I really appreciated that they’ve added a pinkish and dark purple option, definitely meant to be hinting an eredar-leaning draenei background.
I would love draenei class options to widen a bit, like how night Elves got mages.

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Apologies Leothalis, but you don’t know the lore. The Draenei and Velen willingly worked alongside Demon Hunters to defeat the Legion. The Eredar were capable of loyalty and disloyalty to Sargeras which was seen at the very highest level, with Kil’Jaeden straight up dissing Sargeras straight to his face during the events at the Tomb of Sargeras. Many demons, Eredar included, abandoned Sargeras and joined Illidan. Others remained completely autonomous and beholden to no faction. If your statement about killing demons on sight were true, Velen and Turalyon would’ve executed Illidan and the Demon Hunters (Hell, even Lothraxion) immediately. Hatuun and his people left on Argus would’ve been seen as demons and massacred for being tainted by the Fel.

Another great aspect of playing a fantasy RPG is that you can play the role of an evildoer. So even if all Man’ari Eredar were antagonistic to the Horde and Alliance and the Illidari, that shouldn’t necessarily stop us from being able to play as a pariah. ALL WARLOCKS, ALL DEATH KNIGHTS, regardless of your faction, are hated, misunderstood anti heroes. The red Draenei are no different and this is precisely why we want to play them. We don’t want to be a goody two shoes Draenei. We want to see the story progress and Velen reunite his people. That is a more interesting story than Velen always trying to find favor in the Light. Seeds of doubt in the Light were already planted in Velen’s mind after the events of Legion.


Only two races that I could see being added to the DH roster, due to both being from Draenor during that time period.

That and I really want to play a demon Hunter that looks like Kijadden at the end of Tomb in Legion.

Kil’jaeden is a Warlock though.

I would appreciate it if Blizzard stopped giving Warlock stuff to Demon Hunters and gave them to Warlocks instead.

Oh for sure. My prerequisite is that Demo get Meta back. :grin:

I still miss Carrion Swarm.