More elves…

Because Void elves already have normal skintones and natural hair colors of the Blood elves. At this point we are high elves besides the description and the occasional turning dark blue.

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It’s purple not blue

Void and Blood are High Elves.
Always have been. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Pretty sure it’s blue.

It’s Purple!!!

Just popped on, took my armor off and proc’d it. It’s Dark Blue to me.






Imbues ingredients with sentience, tells them to sacrifice themselves for a cake. :slight_smile:

I refuse to acknowledge those abominations.

Void are abominations and Blood Elves who aren’t Death Knights aren’t High Elves. They’re off-brand High Elves.

Crick Elves please! :banjo:

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Don’t know what to tell you buttercup. You want the High elf Fantasy you’re stuck with Blood elves or Void elves. Just like how I’m stuck wanting a Shadow/Void powered Mage but have to go Priest with… ugh holy.

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No more elves.
They smell like beans.
They look starved wearing skinny jeans.

Need more orcs.
We don’t pong.
Our muscles are big and our hearts are strong.

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So blizz can destroy their story and other stories to cater to them too? I’ll pass.

The only exception is with body toggles for forsaken/lfd

nelf paladins…and shaman

R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy, you will be missed…

Why do you want Shaman when you have Druid? Not even going to touch the Paladin thing at this point.

i want it…i don’t have to have a reason that YOU approve of…
look at the specs…i do not play druids…i would prefer a shaman option.

Well at least you’re honest about it, and at this point I simply don’t care anymore. Unlock all classes for all races. Lore be damned. No one gives a flying crap anymore.

i like that idea…apologies if i waxed hostile…
i have grown to expect mostly hostile responses
to my posts…sorry about that.