More elves…

Haven’t experienced the true LotR fantasy yet. High Elves should get development

Thank you!! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


you see, if you changed that to “badass GORILLA warriors”, I’d be on that like a fly on poop!

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Lol okay so you just want Orcs? /wave Hey there.

No, no… they have to be furry! (gotta make a certain demographic happy)

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You mean this

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I am in agreement with this one.

More pre-sundering stuff.

I hearby decalre that all new races added to the game from here on should all be variations of elves.

Give us proper Dark Elves, not the weird half-dark elves we have now with Nelves and Nightborne, but real Drows. Actually, no, Dark Elves and Drows!
Highborne as a less muscular variation of Night Elves, but not as ugly as Nightborne.
High Elves as a more muscular version of Belves.
Sea Elves (nagas).

And last but certainly not least. A third faction made up entirely of elves, lead by a reformed Azshara.

Make it so!

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Seriously, we could burn some more trees and get Charred Elves as an allied race instead of tuskar, taunka, sethrak, the new cool gnolls, furbolgs, the very very old vrykul (that probably will never be implemented as a playable race because they’re too big), even murlocs or the fel variants of lots of races that we saw in bc, legion, light crazy people that we saw in bfa and could end up igniting new conflicts like old alliance vs horde, giving us a way to choose race/class with more flexibility regarding the factions, having a way more shocking story to live in game, a nice excuse to explore deeply the culture of each race and bring more classes/specs, etc. But Charred Elves would be way better received by the player base, so we should indeed burn some trees. Female night elves look gorgeous, though

No. LESS elves in fact.

Need an Arthas 2.0 tbh.


this should’ve happened in BFA. we really acting like some night elves still didn’t have beef with blood elves. forsaken would be target #1 while belves would be target #2 they should’ve been executed in droves.

Well lets see what we’ve got here.

Elf - Baseline elves are trolls.

Jungle Elf - Jungle trolls are an offshoot of baseline elves, which are trolls.

Night Elves - These are another offshoot of baseline elves, though it’s so odd that they call themselves “night elves” that would be like calling ourselves “Daylight Humans”. They have a Well of Eternity from Warhammer 40k, Demon hunters that look an awful lot like Mandrake Drukhari from Warhammer 40k, Sentinels which act a lot like Wyches from Warhammer 40k, and druids which seem a lot like the Exodites from Warhammer 40k. When they die their souls remain as whisps, just like the Exodites from Warhammer 40k.

High Elves - These are the Night Elves that stopped hanging out at night, but notably also think calling themselves “daylight elves” would be stupid. So they call themselves high elves, even though they are notably shorter than the Night Elves. One thing to remember is that there’s actual narcotic leaves outside of their city called bloodthistle that they can actually get high on, and even go into withdrawls from.

Blood Elves - These are the High elves that followed that Kael Thas guy who’s voice actor was fired because Blizzard Entertainment takes allegations of sexual misconduct very VERY seriously when it affects people who notably aren’t working at Blizzard Entertainment. They are named for a time of the month that Kael always seems to be having as well as his races sudden decision to repaint everything in their Blue and Silver city to be shades of Red and Gold. They even went so far as to repaint all the Lynxes and tree leaves in Quel Thalas to match their new theme, and then kidnapped a bronze dragon or something and timetraveled back in time and repainted everything earlier so the Sylvanas book makes sense because the author of it forgot that High Elf Silvermoon was silver and blue and notably also not related to the elf and human city of Silvermoon from the forgotten realms setting.

Void Elves - These are the Blood elves who listen to Lincoln Park and have unalive attempt scars up and down their forearms. They talk about how their parents don’t understand them and how life is unfair because they grew up with lots of money and never went hungry in their lives and had a great education handed to them in a society built around endless safety nets but they had to cut the lawn once a week last summer and so life is completely unfair and they all dress in black and they own every dungeons and dragons book but never play it because they don’t have any friends.

TLDR we have too many elves already.

We need more elves in this game!

What if we get a double elf allied race and its an elf race with four ears and four eyebrows :man_elf:

In short the only playable elf allowed should be Night elf and Troll, as nature intended. Should have spent TBC wiping out the remaining Blood elves since they were too dangerous to be kept alive much like Fel Orcs.

That or replace Night elf with Blood elf and Undead with Goblin and never have these two be part of the playable races.

We need more elves…YALL hating cause we’re better looking.

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Not until we get Alliance High Elves.

wrong we need an expansion where all non elves are exterminated. GIVE US DROW! LONG LIVE LOLTH THE QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEBS OF THE ABYSS! I call upon her to decimate and exterminate the draenei the enemies of all that is elfdom!