More Earthen Customization Please!

Hi all,

I am considering playing an Earthen in TWW for a while after seeing their potential in the wowhead dressing room:

I wanted to make some suggestions on what other customizations I’d like to see for them. Let me know in the comments what you would personally like to see as well.

I propose that the Earthen get all hairstyles of their dwarf and DID counterparts. I do like their current hairstyles a lot, though male dwarves could use some longer ones.

There should be a ‘‘diamond’’ style skin tone akin to that of Magni Bronzebeard. I am surprised something like it was not already added. I suggest there to be more grey-stone and marble coloured skin tones as well.

We NEED more faces without so many wrinkles. They are technically stone dwarves / statues, so there is no reason why they can’t have youthful looking faces akin to those of an intricate stone statue. We also need faces without such wide noses and lips. Why do so many female faces have duck lips / face…?

Please remove the multiple cracks and wrinkles from their hands, they are not aesthetically pleasing in my humble opinion. Again, they are living stone statues, there is no need for their hands to be so wrinkly. They can be marble-smooth instead :wink:

The runes on their arms are also not coloured differently from the rest of their body, I suggest colouring the carved runes a silver or gold colour depending on the skin tone to emphasize the runes and give them a coloured tattoo feel as they look very odd as they currently are.

Please allow options were females (and males too) do NOT have a prominent 6-pack. Just because they are dwarves not all of them are supposed to have a 6-pack. What if I want my dwarf to not attend gym or mine rocks 8 hours a day and have a normal stomach / tummy? :wink:

Other than that I like the hairstyles, hair colours and beard options in general, and also the eye colours, but I think there is room for improvement in the face and arms / hands / tummy areas.

As we’re still in Alpha please consider this feedback and add these options as you still have time to do so! :pray: :smiley:

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Yeah, an alabaster skintone to resemble the other Titanforged would be cool. :robot::+1:


This Sethrak looks amazing! Lovely skin tone! Earthen could benefit from this colour


The one and only thing i truly want for earthen is for them to get access to the npc only void options via a questline

Oh? I’ve no idea how these void options look, got a link?

Even though I stated I was not interested in them the other day, surprisingly I had a change of heart when I saw their options in the Wowhead dressing room! They have some potential!

I’d just really really like some more faces with smaller nose and lips on them, and no wrinkles! Bring forth the youth!

Theyre in the wowhead dressingroom.
On the page where you pick your race it has an npc only tab.
Ticking that will add the options to list.
It includes void in their hair and void glowing hands. Its pretty cool.

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Oh yeah!! I’ll go check that now, I so sooo hope actual Void elves can get these void hair! But like, around half of their hair to be voidy and shiny!

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Pink customizations, than I would consider playing one

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I think there’s a hair colour AND a skin colour with a pink hue! Check the wowhead dressing room!

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okay maybe its a bit much… but come on. its cool as lol

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They are earthen. They were literally made that way. And they don’t eat in the traditional sense. They chow down on minerals. Probably not an excess of calories there.

Funny enough, not Sethrak. :microscope::robot:

  • Sethrak born by Sethraliss
  • Refti created by Tyr


They’re not going to get every single hairstyle copied over from two other races. That wouldn’t even make sense visually because earthen hair is made out of metal, or conceptually when they predate modern dwarves by several millennia.

So, just add an option so that we can choose our Earthen NOT to have these 6-packs carved into him? Just add the option. Then we can both be happy.

I wonder if they can give them hairstyles from the other dwarven races and give those a metallic look as well?

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I completely missed that detail. There are several Skardyn forms datamined, think Xal’atath started a cult? :world_map::robot:


We can just pretend there was a defect on the production line. The chisel broke or something.

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Damn right! :joy:

Sculptor was too lazy to finish the job cause he had one too many pints that night and fell asleep!

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Rocks and minerals come in just about every color imaginable, this would be a chance for Blizzard to go nuts.

Seems like they’re sticking with greys and browns tho. I’d like an earthen that’s a giant angry ruby


I have to say, after watching MrGM’s video last night, I’m extremely disappointed the beards(and hair) aren’t stone. I had a name saved that references a stone beard and yet, they are like weeds or wires or something. I thought for sure we’d have stone looking beards, but nope. Gotta come up with a new name for my planned hunter, that I’m not even sure I’ll play much anyway, lol.

I also agree that we need more unique skin tones for them, there are a lot of different rocks out there, not just browns and grays. We need onyx, or ruby, sapphire, emerald, diamond…something shiny, something glowy, let’s goooooooo. :smiley:

For me, I waa bummed about the lack of a sort of “mossy” appearance option. I was hoping for a natural, dark green to mimic moss on a stone lol.

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