Hi all,
I am considering playing an Earthen in TWW for a while after seeing their potential in the wowhead dressing room: https://www.wowhead.com/beta/dressing-room#fzj8zz0zb89c8MEk8w4X8MEu8wUN8MEG8wSb8MEI8wUr8MEA8w4A8MEp8wSO8MET8w418MEH8wWZ8MEY8izD8MEN8wSy8MEL8wSD8MEx8wUu8MEJ8wXR877Nzkmu87p
I wanted to make some suggestions on what other customizations I’d like to see for them. Let me know in the comments what you would personally like to see as well.
I propose that the Earthen get all hairstyles of their dwarf and DID counterparts. I do like their current hairstyles a lot, though male dwarves could use some longer ones.
There should be a ‘‘diamond’’ style skin tone akin to that of Magni Bronzebeard. I am surprised something like it was not already added. I suggest there to be more grey-stone and marble coloured skin tones as well.
We NEED more faces without so many wrinkles. They are technically stone dwarves / statues, so there is no reason why they can’t have youthful looking faces akin to those of an intricate stone statue. We also need faces without such wide noses and lips. Why do so many female faces have duck lips / face…?
Please remove the multiple cracks and wrinkles from their hands, they are not aesthetically pleasing in my humble opinion. Again, they are living stone statues, there is no need for their hands to be so wrinkly. They can be marble-smooth instead
The runes on their arms are also not coloured differently from the rest of their body, I suggest colouring the carved runes a silver or gold colour depending on the skin tone to emphasize the runes and give them a coloured tattoo feel as they look very odd as they currently are.
Please allow options were females (and males too) do NOT have a prominent 6-pack. Just because they are dwarves not all of them are supposed to have a 6-pack. What if I want my dwarf to not attend gym or mine rocks 8 hours a day and have a normal stomach / tummy?
Other than that I like the hairstyles, hair colours and beard options in general, and also the eye colours, but I think there is room for improvement in the face and arms / hands / tummy areas.
As we’re still in Alpha please consider this feedback and add these options as you still have time to do so!