More Draconic in the Real Vendor When?

It’s been long enough and no one runs BWL anymore. Please put all Draconic pieces in the Real Vendor. All these different set bonuses make it almost impossible to mix and match without the flexibility of having all pieces. It’s time. Do it please.


This would be very helpful. The few pieces best for gear sets to mix and match correctly are unavailable through the vendor. Getting a group for BWL without 8 paladins rolling on tier shoulders is impossible. Judgment shoulders have been bis for 3 phases, and I can’t get a pair.

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My guild runs 2 BWL groups per week. Maybe just dont be a silly alliance and you could have these easy 40 minute pugs.

The problem isn’t that no one runs BWL. A lot of people do. The problem is the wrong type of people run BWL.

My Priest was able to do a quick and easy HM2 Naxx pug. My Ret has struggled, STRUGGLED, to get into a BWL that wasn’t primarily filled with Paladins. There are many people doing BWL but they’re all the same people fighting for the same specific items so it’s harder to get invited and the experience sucks.

It’s the worst possible situation and exactly what reals were supposed to fix. We don’t need zg idols on reals, we need BWL t2 and class quest items on reals. Restore the balance of the BWL population.

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Blizzard said that they had no plans on adding more t2 to the vendor than the 4p. So to answer the OP’s question if “when?” Until they change their mind the answer is never.

Well, when will they change their mind?

When we complain enough :joy:

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thank you for the great advice!

Imagine playing blizzard games and thinking they never change their mind or backtrack what they say. Doomer WoW brain at work. And for everyone saying people still run BWL, I doubt they do it because they love running BWL. They are doing it because at this point, it’s forced content, which is the antithesis of what SoD is meant to be. Dad gamers don’t have time to run old raids just to be relevant in the new ones.

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Incredibly based take from my Paladin brethren, Blizz please implement this now!!!

just put t3 on the rune vendor for 1c while we’re at it. I dont have time to play the game because I have 10,000 children but I deserve loot for a game that I don’t even really play.

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Hey, classic era called and they don’t want you either.

The devs have literally said SoD is meant to be casual.

I’m sure there’s some great Kmmo for you to waste your life on collecting pixels instead of having fun.

Retail is calling your name, baby girl

Yea, I play both. I’m not mired in classic era brain rot. Keep giving my post more exposure with your activity though. I appreciate you doing the heavy lifting for me.

Yeah, I know you’re a retail babby. Now stay there.

You go online to unsuccessfully power trip over strangers, how sadge for you, sugar lips.

Is that you or one of your 200 children I hear crying like a baby?

Very bad and desperate material. ChatGPT could do better. Your brain has devolved to be worse than a bot. Too many cringe online game takes has smoothed it out. Sadge.

cry more dude

Well, guess you ran out of gas. I accept your apology. Now run off like a good boy to your next failed rage bait attempt. Better luck next time cringelord!