More Disc buffs inc

Yeah. I mostly am not running TE because I don’t want to bother with optimizing scov windows with mindbender going and still getting 2 HD penances empowered.

It’s a problem of like:

Stack HD to 4 with last cast being smite/solace → Schism → Scov → Penance → Solace/PTW → Bender → Mind Blast → PTW → Mind Blast → Solace/PTW → SW:D → Smite → Penance → PTW → Mind Blast

Feels super weird to me, and even in Scovs 15 second window, it’s actually a little hard to hit all your casts. And if you’ve got Mindgames to use? Even more awkward to fit all of it. I’d rather just not play with it and take the Train of Thought/Void Summoner synergy lol.

But if you’re comfortable with it (or just comfortable not really optimizing it, and just making sure a couple casts are covered) go for it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ive only been running disc my friend and not holy so TE is less foreign to me. But i was going to simplify it to more solace before or after scov depending straight into shadow HD etc. You have like 7 seconds or so and thats enough mostly to get enough burst off. I mean if i have to go solace, pen smite, MB i will but you know what i mean. just think a 60% increased HD will do the bulk of the job for you. (60% being from scov, 30%, TE 15% and blaze 15% for those needing the maths)

Whats your thought on expiation in raids. Im not sold on it, nor in keys really.

I think right now Radiance is going to do the bulk of the work for you in many scenarios, lol.

A full HD penance in Shadow Covenant can’t even reach the spellpower of radiance after a 100% buff. Kinda expecting it to get nerfed.

I think it’s fine. It’s not too hard to maintain a PTW on a single target.

There are no innervates for me so i have to manage my mana in raids. Maintaining that ptw costs a bit. I dont even get the evoker mana talent " i dont talent it"

Well I got to play it and despite my UI being horribly broken right now due to patch for some reason, Disc is VERY good now.

I actually don’t know what scenario we actually would struggle in now. Did the first hallway of TOTJS at a 19 (we disbanded later due to disconnects) and never had to mass dispel or LoS - I could just raw heal through the water elementals, even a double bolstered one.

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Oh, so disc is good now?! What do you attribute this to?! A more potent flash heal and a buff to sins? Well, and to a lesser degree more healing from radiance (mind you, I have always thought of radiance as merely a spell to apply atonement–that said, if it actually does a fair bit of group healing now, that is nice. I wonder what kind of numbers people are getting from its healing vs atonement to be honest).

I thought mana issues were going to be less of a problem as well. Is this the case?

I dont understand how this works regarding Flash Heal. Does this mean that the healing part of Flash Heal is higher (vs. how it simply applies atonement) or does it mean that when you cast Flash Heal on a target that does not already have atonement on it that the healing is reduced? Hence, mastery will benefit Flash Heal only when the target already has atonement on it?

So for reference, I just did an 18 temple (off the back of the 19 someone DCed in). My Atonement did 13mil, my radiance did 10mil and PW:S 8mil healing.

Radiance heals for such a large amount now it’s incredible. Currently 400 ilvl, and the thing crits for 77k healing. Radiance → Scov → Harsh Discipline Dark Reprimand is like a full health heal on the group almost. Being able to heal a double bolstered tainted ripple before the first boss on fort week - I’d say our healing is really, really competitive now.

Our mastery grants bonus healing to people who already have atonement. If you flash heal someone without atonement, that flash heal will not benefit from mastery at all. If they already have atonement and you flash heal them you get the mastery bonus.

Wheras renew, as a HoT, only the first tick doesn’t benefit from mastery.

That said, my flash heal is healing for as much as my HEAL does on holy spec. I just feel kinda nuts right now, and I’m pretty much expecting nerfs.

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OHHH so thats why if I have atonement up on myself my penance or any other heal will tick for more!!! I kinda figured that was the interaction that atonement needed to be up but I didn’t understand it interacts with our mastery.

Also your bit about Radiance/SCov/ShPenance even for PvP I’ve noticed is an obscene heal/burst damage if I couple that with a schism. Unfortunately I’m full vers/mastery gear so now with how much casting you want to do to get your 4 stack, I’m wondering if I should try and grab more haste to lower those MB/Smite cast times?

TY for explaining this

I’m in agreement here. It has been a long time since I played disc and felt this strong, and honestly I’m starting to feel that they gave Radiance the wrong part of Ultimate Radiance. Instead of giving it the 100% bonus healing they should of given it the insta-cast but kept the total healing lower, I mean if insta CoH/Sanctify/etc can exist why can’t we have an insta-cast heal 3 target button. With the scov changes we really didn’t need an additional 100% buff the Radiance as well.

Also going the Mind Bender build and not having to worry about drinking all that much is nice. Feels like it’s been a while since someone asked me “mana” and I got to respond “I’m good.”

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No, dont say that! Disc is still not as good at meta, so forget about that.

It’s about time they fixed disc. Sounds like Shadow Mend with a different name, minus the damage that Shadow Mend did. How is the mana efficiency if you spam it? Shadow Mend was a real mana burner.

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Disc still seems really bad in pvp so that’s a plus. xd

Disc is God tier in pvp with these changes. Between flash heal talents on top of Focused Will you are sporting an awesome amount of damage passively with another 10% on top from fade with literally 50% uptime should you want in. Now you also get 2 charges of Pain Suppression, Heals in both Shadow and Holy School, easily the highest burst damage of any healer, save perhaps Shammy, for helping finish a target, and your burst damage heals to boot.

It’s been a long time since I feel like I could legit say this but if you are not winning in pvp with disc, it is absolutely a problem between the keyboard and the chair.

You never really need to spam it. We have so much healing in atonement, PW:S and radiance now I’ve pretty much been using my SoL procs and pretty rarely needing to use more than one or two flash heals outside that.

Mana efficiency is great right now. Mind Blast is extremely cheap (it costs 2400 mana to Penance’s 4000) and you have 2 charges (and mind blast contributes to harsh discipline now).

The build I’m running goes void summoner, so I have mindbender out very often, I’m mind blasting 3x and SW:D 1x while it’s out to extend it. I’m using Solace again, too. Over a halls of valor I generated 500K mana - and I think I only drank before Hyrja and Odin during RP (and I didn’t need to drink before Odin). Feels pretty easy to maintain mana now.

Disc is definitely still really bad in pvp.

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Disc bad in pvp? I dont think so. I find it fantastic. And with these buffs, it will be even better.

It was never going to be meta because the skill needed to play disc is higher then evoker etc. Thats a given. I mean if your struggling outside the buffs then you certainly wont play lke a meta player now the buffs are in

This scaress me. Flash heal was a barely cast spell. it will be/should be even less cast now outside of surge procs. What were you doing that you was left spamming flash?

That all being said i welcome back my disc friends who went to holy and are coming back to champion the cause…

Your skill has nothing to do with a healer class/spec being meta or not. It is either meta or it is not. That is simply because of what it can do, regardless of the skill level of the person playing the toon. If you suck, you suck. That is a whole other thread for discussion.

Lol. Im not sure who you are referring to, but yeah, I personally quit healing 5-10 keys a day like I did in SL. In a couple cases on Grievous weeks–where I never ever had a problem in SL–even healing 20s at a relatively low ilevel, the group wiped on a few bosses and the healing was horrible. The HPS was garbage. If I had been better geared or the key had been lower, it would have been fine. If the others in the group had pumped high damage and nuked the bosses fast, that also would have made those fights easy. Furthermore, if people did not stand in fire, used defensives, offhealed, and so on, no problem. That said, for the same ilevel and key level it has been fine–even a cakewalk on a resto druid and an evoker–both of which I have rarely played in comparison to my play on disc. That is simply because they both pump high HPS for relatively little effort, plus both have incredible mobility. That in comparison to disc–on which I have healed in the thousands of keys on. Hence, you are grasping for straws again–at least in my case. And I can say with confidence that I have never in my life struggled to master any aspect of any video game or a sport I played day in day out for any length of time.

I dont know if you are trolling or legit think these things or are trying to troll me personally. Yeah, disc is difficult, but when healers are rated as being S tier or A tier or whatever, the person doing the ratings only looks at what the healer can do irrespective of the people who play it and their skill level. That said, the person may qualify the information and mention that some specs are easy or hard and may even factor that in. But if Disc could do more healing and/or more damage than all of the other healers, it would certainly be a major contender for being rated S tier.

All I know is that in SL in some cases you had to spam Shadow Mend. Like when tanks did insane pulls at Halls of Atonement. That there are no longer insane tanks in the game is a stretch. I am not comparing myself to Moadmoad here either, but I watched him heal a lot of keys in SL, and he resorted to Shadow Mend spam a lot sometimes–of course followed by complaints about the mana burn.

As for my case and Flash Heal, I have not healed that many keys in DF because I found the spec to not be up to snuff. Remember that Moadmoad also virtually abandoned Disc, and was so appalled by the state of disc in Beta that in his stream he would sharply warn people to stop talking about Disc. I cant say I have used Flash Heal much at all, though. That said, I can see cases where spamming it could be necessary–as when the tank is nuts and/or the key is high. But again, I dunno. I have not healed many keys in DF so far–at least vs in SL. That is likely about to change though. So maybe ask me down the road.

When i say if your struggling its a generic you not a personal you. I would point out if your healing 5-10 keys a day its time to get a job :stuck_out_tongue:

That was then. It is not that now. Its no where close to that now. So my advice is to try it first then comment on it :slight_smile:

In keys, Disc mana management is now better than Holy. Depending on the pull size, it’s possible to get multiple squids in a single pull. I did a 18 HOV yesterday and didn’t have to drink on any pull. Somehow, the buff stacks on Hyrja’s aoe (when you have to get under the shield) didn’t reset. We still killed her.

Adding Solace makes getting HD procs so much easier, especially when Solace can be cast while moving. I get locked up fewer times while building toward an HD proc.

Having an extra PainSupp charge really helps on bolstering. I feel like the first day of bolstering, tanks tend to forget that bolstering is the affix, so they quickly get in over their heads.

Heavy absorbs outside of Rapture and tier set bonuses are effectively dead, however.

Jak has a new video out on Squid Discipline for pugs. Will take a watch when I can:

I work for myself, essentially. And I work from home whenever I need to and it is more a kind of work with monitoring required than anything else, and where I can do other things at the same time, with plenty of void periods/downtime as well. I know that sounds ideal, but that said, it took me decades of honing my skills and a heck of a lot of in depth study to get here. And often while I did other work to pay the bills and build up my skills, knowledge, expertise and experience that allow my current line of work. So I have time to do other things most days–including a lot of exercise and gaming.