i’m not gonna give too much of a spiel here. i’m just gonna say i think worgen and pandaren should get blonde fur options like tauren have. …and maybe give worgen tails. i’m not crazy about the tail one, but heck, why not at this point?
Bigger, better, beardlier beards for humans and kul tirans.
Tattoos for everyone.
Better tattoos for orcs! They’re currently pretty bad.
Eye colours for death knights.
Body jewellery for male blood elves.
Some hairstyles for night elves and blood elves that actually allow for demon hunters’ horns without the horrendous clipping, and that aren’t bald or some form of mohawk. I just want my boy to be able to wear his long hair out without it looking bad!
Upright posture for male undead.
Shared hairstyles between orcs and mag’har. I want to be green Grommash!
Shared hairstyles between blood elves and void elves.
the reason i thought it up, was cause i’ve been playing a new game, atlyss. and in it, i made my character look like a pomeranian/shiba-inu knight, and kinda wish i could make a character on here, look like that.
This could easily fit with the eyesight customisations. We can grey each eye out. Why not also the option to slap on a patch? They could even have nifty race specific ones!
I just want it all to be optional because I’m probably one of the few Worgan who are not interested in looking like a Ken doll or a labrador retriever with a tail.
I’ve gone over this in the Worgen thread (changing back on my Druid Soontm)
The Worgen Half Elf humans (pointed ears) are pretty cool with 11.0.7, but we need more:
Glowing eyes and fitting accessories for the human form.
For Worgen: Cataclysm Alpha female faces and snouts, upright posture for the males,
and the Cata Alpha hairstyles for the both. It’s a true shame how these models were never released. They were YEARS beyond their time and would look incredible with today’s polygons.
i vote you get a hairstyle that looks like molten-lava first. but facial hair?
well… i’m not a fan of dwarven women with facial hair, but it’s not my place to say you should’nt have it. if you want facial hair, you should be able to have it (if you want).
I’m still waiting for them to finally give Orcs the missing skin tones from Dragonmaw/Blackrock and the associated eye colors with it. I thought it would have came in DF with that questline in the Waking Shores, but it did not. Fel Orcs would be cool as well.