More customization options for 9.1.5 or 9.2

I hope Blizzard don’t stop with the customization and instead keep going and adding more and more.

Can we get beards options for Trolls? Also a shoe option for them too, as well as Zandalari Trolls.

Face / war paints for ALL races would be nice. It’s kinda surprising this isn’t a thing already.

Would also be nice to see Half-Elf options for Humans such as Elven ears and glowing eyes. And yes, that is a thing in the lore already, so it wouldn’t break anything.

I also think it’d be nice to have options to wear multiple head pieces at once, like for an example, glasses and a wizard hat. Or an eye patch while wearing a pirate hat. Things like this would go a long way. As well as expanding races hair styles to others when it makes sense.

Giving us the option to sheath weapons our hips or back. (mainly 1 handers)

The list goes on, I’m sure people in the comments could add more to what they want to see for customization options.


Wowhead datamined new shoes that can be worn by Trolls, Zandalari Trolls, and Vulpera.

Ironically, the new shoes look rather atrocious on Worgen IMHO. Could be a work-in-progress. At least they don’t go all the way up to the knees with repeated textures and such like how the old boots models work, though.

Overall, the new cosmetic shoes appearances appear to be in direct response to complaints about Trolls, Zandalari Trolls, and Vulpera not being able to wear shoes and are thus likely to be available from a vendor in the capital cities similar to the cosmetic glasses appearances. There’s both mundane and special versions available which seem to aim at being complementary to as many transmog sets as possible.

Definitely going to see if these transmog appearances get properly added on the PTR in the coming weeks.

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