More context for Bfa

So what was quite missing in the finale of Bfa was an intermission or at least explaination tho why the Zandalari never showed up during the rebellion.

So I took it out myself to create a realistic scenario why Talanji would turn down any offer where Jaina would be standing on her side. Okay let’s go!

Scenery set in Zuldazar. Thrall and Saurfang are arriving at Talanji’s throne. The royal guard blocks them out. They want to protest but the Queen heself pushes forward and start to talk.

Talanji: “So you are finally here. What might be the reason of your coming?”
Saurfang: “The world is uniting against Sylvanas my queen. We have come to ask of your aid and your people. To end the bloodshed and make a better Horde.”
Talanji scoffs and turns around.
Talanji: “Sylvanas Windrunner did my people no harm. But Jaina Proudmoore and the rest of the alliance is among your allies, no? You have quite a nerve to think I would concile with the murderers of my father who sieged this city when his body isn’t even cold yet.”
Saurfang: “I understand your anger Queen Talanji but Sylvanas doesn’t serve the Horde anymore just some unspoken evil we are not aware of. Please consider this decision. When the war is over we might make a deal.”
Talanji: “Will that deal involve the head of the person leading the attack on a plate? Then we have nothing to discuss. Leave at once.”
Thrall tries to barge in but Saurfang stops him with a hand.
Saurfang: “I understand. Once this is all over remember you have a friend in the Horde. We do not abandon our allies over politics. Lok’tar.”
Both leave to gather what they can for the final battle.

A simple cutscene like this instead of another cashgrab novel would have been enough.

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I don’t think this is quite how it would go, but I think some of that is kind of right. Assuming they really don’t show up in that battle(I don’t remember) it would make sense that the Zandalari declared themselves loyalists. Because at the time they had no idea she was aligned to some other force. I seem to recall it being implied that the majority of the Horde or at least a good chunk sided with Sylvanas. I think it’s also possible that the Zandalari decided to just stay out of the fight and focus on defending home in case the Alliance came knocking again. They’ve already been tricked into moving their entire military before and all that.

But I agree. We need more of this kind of thing in game. Motivations and important development should be done in game not in a novel.

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I assumed to stay neutral and respect Saurfang as his status as war Hero.

Companies exist to make profit. Everything is a “cashgrab”.

Giving the Zandalari players a feeling that they did right by listening to their own leader instead of being shamed for not bowing to the Horde council from the start?

Funny enough, Talanji and Anduin are going to be in the War Within. I still wonder, how that interaction should go? :popcorn::robot:

If they even interact at all. She had no reason to participate in the rebellion when all three guilty were literally leading it(Anduin, Jaina and Genn). So I am happy my comfort troll race(If Amani ever become playable) is doing fine still.

lol, be careful what you wish for.

Was talking about the Zandalari. Amani would be the get go but right now there are no signs. I am glad there is one troll tribe not pushed.

Not yet.

We’ll probably be kicking around the Amani again come Midnight if Blizzs past actions are anything to go by

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Blizzard always have the players bully the trolls even if they did nothing wrong like The Farraki and put the city to the torch and steal their riches.

Supposedly she’s located in Azj’kahet, might be a base camp for the horde and alliance progressing into the Nerubian kingdom. :robot::thought_balloon:

(Easy to miss but our factions can be seen on the bottom right :mag::robot:)

Oh… should you be worried what’s buried under Zul’Aman? :robot::sweat_drops:

They fought that thing until it was dead. They never joined the void ever. If it rises again they will also fight again.

Course we’ll have to wait and see what direction these trolls will be handled. :8ball::robot:

Might be a neat dungeon either scenario. :crab:

The poster says everything about the main characters. Who would have thought it would be the Alliance again. I wouldn’t really count Thrall as part of the Horde at the moment, but rather classify him as neutral.

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The MHPs would melt away if a great alliance hero wsan’t the main character of any expansion. The bias is real.

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I believe that’s fair. Even though the Earthen could count for Horde, Moira seems to be the focus. :mag::robot:

…and I have no idea who this is. Maybe Fizzule of the Shattered Hand Clan? :microscope::robot:

edit: Just found out he’s an Earthen. :robot:

Perhaps the horde will have more exposure underground if we encounter the Undermines? :robot::thought_balloon:

Did they actually show a PC instead of an NPC recruited earthen for the Horde? They really don’t care about the Horde anymore.

Wait-- wait, I think I discovered this fellow’s model. He’s beside the Gryphon. :microscope::robot:

edit: Also Moira has Fearbreaker. :microscope::robot:

Ahr so a noname. Great. Hammering down the point no one important is left on the Horde side and Fearbreaker switched the owner at least three times by now.