More Classic Era realm connections are needed

Right now, the connected realms from (* Earthfury, Herod, Kirtonos, Kromcrush, Skeram, Stalagg, Sulfuras, and Thalnos* )are facing a drought of Alliance and the Alliance cannot even find a proper MC raid.

The horde outnumber alliance at least 4:1

The opposite is true for the connected realms for the other cluster:

(* Benediction, Faerlina, Heartseeker, Incendius, and Netherwind*)

Why is Blizzard Entertainment merging high population horde realms with other high population horde realms and the same for alliance?

RP pvp realms are having the same drought too. I suggest merging RP with pvp realms to make Azeroth a more colorful and vibrant place.

I would suggest merging:

(* Benediction, Faerlina, Heartseeker, Incendius, and Netherwind*)
(* Earthfury, Herod, Kirtonos, Kromcrush, Skeram, Stalagg, Sulfuras, and Thalnos* )
( Deviate Delight, Grobbulus)

**If merging RP realms is not feasible, maybe offer a free transfer to pvp servers

WoW classic is supposed to be an open world adventure MMORPG and merging all these battlegroup for faction balance and adding in role-playing elements will add to the quality of game experience for everyone.


lol netherwind cluster cant even put together a 5 man (we did do ubrs, once and it took 2 hours to make a group and 2 hours to clear 9 man), merging our 2 clusters wont make a diffrence…

We managed to put together an Onyxia and ZG group for our cluster. Your cluster literally has more Alliance than us, lmao. How are you not able to find a raid group :rofl:

we couldnt get a zg together, 1 healer
we also didnt have a 2nd tank or full dps.

You mean the RP-PvP Servers?

BB is RP but not RP-PvP. Things are going to be slow, while BC is out.

I want to have this as well, hopefully remulos gets linked as well. We are the only realm left out of oceanic :rofl:

If Oceanic is bad, maybe merge them with US realm if there are no serious repercussions, at least what I think it is right to do.

Could connect every single server at this point and it would still be comically low pop. The game is just 90% bots now, depressing.


netherwind/faerlina allience currently has:
0 level 60 paladins
0 level 60druids
1 level 60 warrior
1 level 60 rogue
1 level 60 warlock
1 level 60 priest
31 level 60 mages farming gold
19 level 60 hunters farming gold

Earthfury like 30 mins ago:

for lvl 60s there are
47 mages
42 hunters
1 druid
1 priest
3 warriors
2 warlocks
2 shaman
3 rogues

Hmm Keep those Bots to yourself.

indos are real people

I can’t understand why bots are even bothering, who is there to sell to? I see a ton of boost spam still but who is there to buy those boosts lol? Makes no sense.

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Many people are predicting once the TBC hype dies down, there will be nothing to do. They will resume raiding GDKP in naxx and pvp etc.

That’s when the material price will go up.

But seriously, they should just connect even more realms as of now so people who need their gear can get gear to get what they want in classic.

Yea, I get the hope that people come back, but the game is dead until then. Seems unacceptable to kill the game off for the potential future recovery. Definitely should connect everything possible at this point so the game is playable.


100% agree.

Even the “high pop” realms that are connected it is hard to find anyone to do anything. Just a bunch of mages and hunters farming gold. Please blizzard connect more realms.

I don’t think that will ever happen.

If the populations get bad enough, maybe they should just combine them all into two servers:

Place Grob and DD into the PvP realm and BB into the PvE realm. It sucks for the RPers, but there’s just not enough people to warrant their own empty server.

Besides, players will still have their original server name next to them so they might be able to form their own RP community.


Yea, at this point forget the timezones/regions, just merge everything with the same realm type. Only chance at having playable populations.