More character specific macros

I can’t be the only one reaching a point where a character reaches its maximum amount of character macro slots.
In total we have 18 character macro slots, and currently I use all of those and would use more, but the limit of 18 macros obviously prevents me.

I have several self healing macros, @cursor macros and pet macros that I use all the time.
Using the general tab of macros isn’t the best solution, as I will quickly find myself with a sea of macros. I would not be so opposed to this as a solution if the macro window offered a search bar, which it does not.

Unless someone has a solution to the number of character macros, I would like to see the maximum number of character macros being increased.

Edit: For reference, I am talking about this specific section


I would check for an addon, I know I used to use one that circumvented the max “character” limit for macros, so there might be one that expands the number of macros possible.

I have no clue if it would work, but a thought I had was a simple copy/paste system where the text is stored in the addon and pasted in with an interface button.

Maybe you could go to the forums at curse and see if an addon author would be willing to create one if possible?

I already use macro toolkit, it does allow you to extend the amount of code you can put in a macro but as far as the amount of macros, it won’t help with that.

That won’t work, for example try editing a macro and engage combat. All of your unsaved changes are lost immediately.

I would also like to have more.
I play healers mostly and macro every healing spell as most healers do and the slots run out fast and the general tab is a mess. Watching this thread incase anyone has a solution.


The only solution to this would be for Blizz to add more character macro slots, unfortunately. I don’t think addons can bypass that limit

Bugger. Well as these are the blizzard forums let this thread be the first in asking for more macro slots as a quality of life feature. Or the ability to customise your general tab into groups etc.

The macro window in general needs some good loving. I don’t think it has been changed since the start of the game.


Any chance we can get a Blizz response on this? Macro slot limits are so bizarre, I don’t understand why they were ever implemented in the first place? If it was due to performance concerns of calling the macro to the game, well it’s been 15+ years and most computers should be able to handle much more.

18 slots per character is so limiting. I’m having a hard time fitting in just the Disc part, I don’t have space in case I want to change talents or pvp talents, and even worse I def don’t have enough for holy and shadow if I want to change spec.

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I just use the general macro section a lot as chances are I’ll end up using another character of the same race on some other server anyway so it gives me access to them rather than having to manually redo them all.

Not sure if there is a way to extend the character specific one with an addon, but it is fairly easy to hit the cap on it. Blizzard just needs to make things like @mouseover/@cursor default functions so we don’t have to waste macro space with essentially useless macros.

I’d rather use those spaces for my actual conditional macros instead of needing them simply to perform basic functions.
I guess your option could be to simply find an addon that mimicks the macro functionality instead?


Well, the solution I found for now is with addon macrotoolkit you can make keybind macros that don’t go on the actionbar.

Although this doesn’t let me reference visually where all my spells are, it is a solution that allows me to have more space in character specific macros.

Now I need to learn to use weakauras or some other macro that would allow me to display a spell with a letter on it so I can reference and have it display cooldown.

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Same thing here. I wish I have 50 macro slots per character. :frowning:
It’s a simple thing we are asking for.

~ Enne


Likely not simple, these old hardcoded limits have caused Blizzard lots of frustration. Likely character specific macros are stored in a presized array and multiple pieces of code rely on that specific length array. This same thing happened for increasing backpack size.

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mega-macro from curse hope that works

Bump, as a healer who uses a lot of mouseover macros, the limit on per character macros is frustrating. It would be nice if it were at least doubled.

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well, you are a shaman…sooo.


#showtooltip 13
/use 13

#showtooltip 14
/use 14

/use [target=player] wool bandage

#showtooltip Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage
/use [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage

#show Horde Flag
/cancelaura Horde Flag

/target jed

/target prince


#showtooltip Gray Kodo
/use Gray Kodo

/use Superior Healing Potion

/use Greater Mana Potion

/use Free Action Potion

/use Swiftness Potion

#showtooltip Cyclone
/cast {@mouseover,exists][target=target] cyclone

#showtooltip Remove Corruption
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Remove Corruption

#showtooltip Rebirth
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Rebirth

#showtooltip Revive
/cast [@mouseover,exists] [target=target] Revive

#showtooltip Regrowth
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Regrowth

#showtooltip Wild Growth
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Wild Growth

#showtooltip Lifebloom
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Lifebloom

#showtooltip Nature’s Cure
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Nature’s Cure

#showtooltip Rejuvenation
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Rejuvenation

#showtooltip Swiftmend
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Swiftmend

#showtooltip Overgrowth
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Overgrowth

#showtooltip Ironbark
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Ironbark

#showtooltip Cenarion Ward
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Cenarion Ward

#showtooltip Nature’s Swiftness 2
/cast Nature’s Swiftness
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Regrowth

#showtooltip Innervate
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Innervate

#showtooltip Hibernate
/cast [@mouseover,exists][target=target] Hibernate

#showtooltip Soothe
/cast [@mouseover,exists][target=target] Soothe

#showtooltip Incapacitating Roar 2
/cast Bear Form(Shapeshift)
/cast Incapacitating Roar

#showtooltip Healing Touch
/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Healing Touch

#showtooltip Rejuvenation
/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Rejuvenation

/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Abolish Poison

#showtooltip Dire Bear Form
/cancelform [nostance:1]
/cast [form:0] [] Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift)
/cast [form:1]

#showtooltip Innervate
/cast [target=player] Innervate

#showtooltip Travel Form
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [outdoors] Travel Form; [indoors]

#showtooltip Nature’s Grasp
/cast Nature’s Grasp

#showtooltip Barkskin 2
/castsequence [target=player] Barkskin, Dire Bear Form

#showtooltip Rejuvenation 2
/castsequence [target=player] Rejuvenation, Travel Form

#showtooltip Cat Form 2

/cancelform [nostance:3]
/castsequence [form:0] [] reset=2/combat Cat Form(Shapeshift), Track Humanoids
/cast [form:3]

#showtooltip War Stomp 3
/cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form
/castsequence [target=player] reset=120/combat War Stomp, Regrowth, Rejuvenation

#showtooltip Regrowth
/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Regrowth

/cast Moonfire

/cast Wrath

/cast Starfire

/cast Hurricane

/cast Soothe Animal

#showtooltip Mark of the Wild
/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Mark of the Wild

#showtooltip Thorns
/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Thorns

#showtooltip Thorns
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player] Thorns

/cast Hibernate(Rank 1)

#showtooltip Entangling Roots
/cast [@mouseover,exists][target=target] Entangling Roots

#showtooltip Mass Entanglement
/cast [@mouseover,exists] Mass Entanglement


#showtooltip Conjured Mineral Water
/cast Conjured Mineral Water

#showtooltip Morning Glory Dew
/cast Morning Glory Dew

/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Remove Lesser Curse

/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Arcane Intellect

/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Amplify Magic

#showtooltip Ice Block
/cast Ice Block

#showtooltip Arcane Brilliance
/cast [target=mouseover, help] Arcane Brilliance

/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=player] Dampen Magic


#showtooltip Recklessness
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Recklessness

#showtooltip Brown Kodo
/cast Battle Shout
/cast Battle Stance
/use Brown Kodo

#showtooltip Retaliation
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Retaliation

#showtooltip Sunder Armor
/cast Sunder Armor

#showtooltip Whirlwind
/Cast Berserker Stance
/Cast Whirlwind

#showtooltip Heroic Strike
/Cast Berserker Stance
/Cast Heroic Strike

#showtooltip Berserker Rage 2
/Cast Berserker Stance
/Cast Berserker Rage
/Cast Defensive Stance

#showtooltip Charge
/cast Charge

#showtooltip Defensive Stance
/cast Defensive Stance
/equipslot 16 Alcor’s Sunrazor
/equipslot 17 The Immovable Object

#showtooltip Battle Stance
/cast Battle Stance
/equipslot 16 The Lobotomizer
/equipslot 17 Alcor’s Sunrazor

#showtooltip Berserker Stance
/cast Berserker Stance
/equipslot 16 The Lobotomizer
/equipslot 17 Alcor’s Sunrazor

#showtooltip Disarm
/cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance; Disarm

#showtooltip Intercept
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Intercept

#showtooltip Intercept
/cast [combat] Intercept
/cast [nocombat] Battle Stance
/cast [nocombat] Charge

#showtooltip Pummel
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Pummel

#showtooltip Berserker Rage
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Berserker Rage

#showtooltip Overpower
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Overpower

#showtooltip Thunder Clap
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Thunder Clap

#showtooltip Heroic Strike
/cast Heroic Strike

#showtooltip Intimidating Shout
/cast Intimidating Shout

#showtooltip Conjured Sweet Roll
/cast Battle Shout
/use Conjured Sweet Roll

#showtooltip Deep Fried Plantains
/cast Battle Shout
/use Deep Fried Plantains

#showtooltip Rend
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Rend

#showtooltip Shield Bash 2
/equip [noequipped:shields] Optomatic Deflector
/cast Shield Bash


/use [@Nyrse] Dispel Magic(Rank 2)

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Abolish Disease; [exists, nodead] [@player] Abolish Disease

#showtooltip Desperate Prayer
/use Desperate Prayer

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Power Word: Shield

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Dispel Magic; [harm, nodead] [exists, nodead] [@player] Dispel Magic

/castsequence reset=9.5, mind blast, smite, smite, smite, smite

#showtooltip Levitate
/cast !Levitate

#showtooltip Insignia of the Alliance
/use Insignia of the Alliance
/cast Psychic Scream(Rank 1)

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Renew

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Flash Heal

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Heal

#showtooltip Mind Flay
/cast [nochanneling:Mind Flay] Mind Flay

This limit to per-character macros is dumb. Hoping my labeling technique is helpful for anyone else trying to figure out how to better manage all their macros which have to live in general together in peace:


class = single character for your spec (i.e. balance druid = B)
covenant = i.e. Venthyr = v
input_method = keyboard or mouse (K or M)
bound_key = keyboard press or mouse button press

eg (I happen to play a druid):

BaK3 = Balance druid any covenant keyboard # 3
AaM4 = Any spec any covenant mouse button 4
FnM5 = Feral Night Fae mouse button 5
BvM[ = Balance Venthyr mouse button bound to keyboard key “[”

…playing a druid in true multi-class fashion requires me to leverage macros to switch what spell is bound to what button depending on what spec I’m in or what talent I’ve chosen (i.e. New Moon vs Fury of Elune). Using the method above is the only way I’ve been able to maintain my sanity when I have to periodically tweak a macro for whatever reason.

Best of luck out there friends!

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