Welp. Looks like I’m not gonna be buying those Darkmoon horses after all.
I liked all of them, especially the blue ones.
Why are they all holding little arrows?
How else will they stab people
Cupid butterflies, obviously
You forgot to add the eyeroll emoji.
Butterfly in the sky
I can go twice as high
Take a look, it’s in a book,
A Reading Rainbow!
I can go anywhere
Friends to know, and ways to grow
A Reading Rainbow!
I can be anything
Take a look, it’s in a book
A Reading Rainbow
Reading Rainbow!
cracks open a steamy romance novel
I wuv da flutterby horsie!
Greaaat, more flapping
They look so good, I want.
I miss when wow was gritty and didnt look at home in my little pony. I demand they have bloody heads of our enemies hanging from all six legs faction specific.
And have their wings on fire! And they emit the screams of our enemies as they fly shooting lasers! No Cannon’s!
No fire cannons that fire lasers!
But also give them a magic wand that farts rainbows!
But really butterflies just remind me of Ardenweld in SL and im trying to not relieve the PTSD of that expansion. XD
There are also weapons for this theme coming.
Golf Alpha Yankee
I like the Darkmooon horses at least.
Killer butterflies.
I need these. Holy cow they are beautiful.
You put this beautiful stuff out and only give us so much tender?
this mount is the final straw, im quitting retail and going to classic
Very nice looking. Not goblin-esque at all.
The human dressed as a garden gnome looks stupid.