More bots than players

Went to duskwoods in scarlet crusade, and saw more bots than new players. It’s sad the state of this servers. Even though I’m horde and killed them, they would spawn after a few seconds :confused:


Well there’s your problem, going to SC. Should go to Wild Growth, the last bastion of PvE humanity in Season of Discovery.

Crusader Strike though if you’re feeling randy and want to brutally cleave the opposing faction. Not going to say there’s no bots, but I haven’t encountered very many in my travels out in the world…of warcraft.

Ive seen more bots on the PVP servers than on PVE

I’m playing on WildGrowth… and there are A LOT of bots / sellers. And every one of them looks like they ran their face on the keyboard when naming their dwarf hunter.

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