More blanket pvp DMG reduction

  • PvP Damage Reduction: Players now take 30% reduced Physical damage from other players and pets (was 20%) and 40% reduced Magic damage from other players and pets (was 20%).

Get new loot… do less damage… F! Classes that can heal will shine in battlegrounds again.

How to design the worst possible game play experience.

Have your players get progressively weaker every phase.


Feels so stupid that the highest damage numbers I’ve seen in PVP was at level 50 before the original damage nerf.


It’s so dumb it’s all they know how to do…

The fights are already long enough and the power creep from this phase to the next one isn’t that large. I’ve made a PVP set for this phase and I’m looking at about 800 more health (before battleground adjustments) and 100 more spell power.

All this damage nerf is going to do is make warriors even worse in pvp (rage generation) and allow me to survive an entire rogues cheap shot into kidney shot combo with 50% health instead of 20%. I’d probably stop playing soul link if this went through because I wouldn’t need it.

yep this is cooked

This will put mages in an even worse spot. We go OOM way too quickly in pvp.

There really shouldn’t be a flat damage reduction across the board. Some classes struggle more than others. This feels so lazy.


Posting from europe with H8. What the heck are these changes?! I agree with those above, you progress in the game and with gear and get progressivly weaker lmao. What are you smoking at blizz HQ? paint thinner?

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Exactly healing reduction should follow the same, or you have some classes that just heal to full.

Mages need built in physical DR of 25% no reason I should shoot a mage for 50% of their life. No other class that happens too.

Damn I may need 5-6 GCDs to kill someone instead of 3-4 as a Boomkin wtf blizz

The posters who asked for more DR are those who wanted post-Classic resilience style slogfests because they don’t know/care for what Classic PvP was which is supposed to be bursty. Guess where they are now? Playing Cata, after pushing their nonsense on SoD.

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I enjoyed the earlier iterations where the reduction was higher. Glad to see they are making pvp take more than 3 gcds.

It’s already ridiculous with tier 1.