More bag slots for bank in p7 and extra +1 extra backpack slot

Its imposible to carry mani things and tiers, pvp gear, trinkets, potions flask greanades and now this sanctify thing, and this means that we need to use t2 and t2.5 outside of naxx, pvp set for bloodmoon / BG / dailies.

A new bag with 2 more slots is a lazy fix and this won’t help us at all.

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Please give us the storage crate recipe for extra slots for us

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Pretty sure they can’t add more [bag] slots.

I left in BfA, and all that time, they have never increased the bag slots (as in another bag for your character to equip).

In fact, I remember them saying they couldn’t easily expand the Backpack inventory slots because of how it was coded.

The easiest option, by their own admission, is to just make bags with every-increasing inventory slots.

A big help would be making mounts and Battle Pets (or what they would later become) into Spells. A certain Private Server did this. Even made a new tab in the Spellbook where these are sorted so as to no fill up the ‘General’ tab.

((I have like 8 pets from the events and one-time quests. Plus a few cats.))


They can. Epl bag will be 30 slot.

Stop defending these people and this company when you have no idea how simple it is to make certain changes

My god, the game is bad by design and incompetence


Bag slot as in the slot you place the bag in. I don’t know what else we would call that ‘socket’/‘slot’.

In addition to more space, they need to make items stack to something reasonable. Its not fun going to raid with 10-15 spots eaten up by consumes because they stack to 5.

There is no way that is a coding issue. Whether you have 5 of an item or 100 its the same thing code-wise, just a different value. Look at Fireland Embers. They now stack to 2500.

This would ease a TON of pressure off the storage issue. It won’t completely eliminate it, as we will still have to deal with equipment, but please, throw us a bone here.

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Key slot could fit all the keys that are in the game and for some reason can’t fit in the key slot. Makes no sense. Easy fix for sure.
Mounts and pets can be turned into spells inside the spell book or be added to key slot. Also an easy fix for sure.
Trinkets could also go on a key slot as well as librams, idols, and icons.
Pots could easily stack to 20.
Reals and embers could easily go into currency slot in the main backpack as well as few other crafting items that also serve as currency.


What about when they gave each player 4 extra backpack slots for setting up 2-factor auth… I have a 20 slot backpack. some dorks still have a 16 slot cause they never set up 2-factor auth. so for the coding bs, it’s def not true. its dooable.

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The easy fix would be Key Ring being used for pets/mounts as well given the toys are in there as well.

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The 30 bag slot is a good move.

They should make a second “bank” if they can’t increase the bags in bank and add guild bank at this point.

But they def can add more slots, retail has a “componentes” bag now.


As I said, they’ve touched on why the Backpack size hasn’t increased and now most bags are nearly double the size of it. They explicitly mentioned that the Backpack’s code was interwoven into a lot of the systems with the ‘hard cap’ of slots.

If you know a bit about macros you know you can tell a macro to pick an item from a specific inventory slot: /equipslot [options] InvSlot bagID slot. With that in mind…

I think the way they had it setup was that row was already there, but hidden. Because WoW was originally being designed off of WC3. I believe they had the inventory system of WC3, which meant no bags and just a “backpack”.

Essentially, to “get it working” they converted the last 4 rows of the Backpack into a sort of “sorting room” so they could expand the inventory capacity beyond ‘just a backpack’.

Remember, this is the studio that uses invisible rabbits as “markers” for many of the mechanics we have in fights. Because the game can’t be told to just make this mechanic go out to ‘this distance’ and ‘move in this direction’. - C’Thun’s eye beam is actually targeting one of those invisible rabbits that is then scripted to run around the room.

In closing, I’m not against more inventory. I’m pointing out that we are highly unlikely to get more inventory bag slots to equip more bags. Instead, we’ll see “bigger bags”. The annoyance is they don’t want to completely break from Vanilla, and still want inventory to ‘have a Choice’ (ie: pick what to save). …which I hate.

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