More alliance premade exploiting

Joining a discord with whatever randoms just happen to be in your BG is nowhere near the same thing as synchronized queueing with 40+ rank 10+ players with a premeditated plan.


Are you seriously going to tell me that horde racials and shaman aren’t significantly better?

Do you really want me to explain how much exactly they are better by?

Horde is for the OP faction by far

While I don’t see any issue with AV premades… I mean you can’t fault rankers for picking the easy route to the most honor. I’m 100% sure horde would have done it too if they could, so get off ur guys high horses.

Horde can win games just as fast if not within 10min, but you guys want to prolong the game… why? cuz ur queues are so long? Please, you all were warned before hand. That horde were going to be the popular faction and will have long queue times. But no, most responded “but they will be cross server” and I was one that said so what… retail is cross server and horde sit in bg queues there too.

And stop with the pvp bullsh1t about AV. AV has never been about pvp… NEVER. If you want to pvp run WSG and AB when that comes out. Even then, watch people give up once they see its a premade.

Do you really need me to explain to you how much better paladin is for group pvp than shaman?

Do i need to explain how OP escape artist stone form, and fear ward are?

These points are irrelevant, racials make very little difference on a large scale

You just something to blame your failure on

What failure? I’ve lost a handful of AVs.

I’m exalted WSG having lost 4 times, and only once with my real time.

Horde are full of kids that picked OP faction and rely on numbers and racials to be good.

How else do you think your 40+ minute queues happened? Seriously think about it.

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will, orc stun resist totally dont exist in the game do they to the sham that brought up stoneform and escape artist. EA and SF are great, but dang id take stun resist over it any day. Will is an AMAZING ability as well

and i like how you give a suggestion and immediately it gots shot down. (them getting in discord)

alliance premadeing started that way, randoms joining discord and queing to try to get good games.

how can a level 12 retail goblin see that?

On by that logic alliance is just filled with a bunch of pve losers that suck at pvp and have to rely on exploiting and stacking premades while rushing a pve objective and avoiding pvp entirely to win AV

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news flash… AV is not pvp.

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You are the one complaining about losing AVs lol


Your “suggestion” is a troll at best

Just joining a discord with randoms in your group is not the same as an organized premade of players with a predetermined plan

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Damn you’re good to do AV at lvl 12. lol.

they/we would probably just go WSG premade instead lol

Horde seething harder than alliance in P2 who didnt know how to group up for wpvp

Not all heroes wear capes

thats literally how alliance premading started. joining with a bunch of randoms in the discord who all got the same game. your ignoring that part. can you guys not make a predetermined plan in the 2 minutes before the game starts? why not give a discord link our to whomever might be interested for that game? you guys could have a large discord or a couple of them and whatever game you all get into, join the channel. guess what, you just did exactly what we do. sit in a lobby then join whatever channel everyone who got the same game joins

these aren’t troll suggestions just because you don’t like them…

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You cant actually be this dense

It doesn’t matter how alliance premades “started”. That is NOT what they currently are.

How can you not see the difference between having 40+ players of high rank all having epic mounts and decent gear all organizing together before hand with a premeditated plan joining the same game versus a random collection of 40 players who may or may not even use voice comms ever with lvl 40 mounts and random gear ranging from raid gear to questing greens all trying to get organized in less than 2 minutes before a match ON TOP of not having the ability to pally pull the marshals for a near guaranteed win

Its nowhere near the same thing


I can’t stop laughing

You have no idea what the premades are do you

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The horde pugs I have been seeing as i que are not entirely low ranked either tho and a good majority of them I have seen have epic mounts.

How does it not matter how they started? Lmao yes they have evolved but thats the nature of the game and life and humans…

every suggestion someone gives you, you immediately shoot it down and then mock them. I am starting to think you are very ignorant.

You COULD try to increase communication on your teams, but its just easier to complain isnt it?

YOU have no idea what premades are

Bunch of alliance like you that are stuck to pleb premades and dont ever queue as horde so you have no idea what we are actually going against

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