More alliance premade exploiting

I love making premades /afk out when faced with a properly executed Mighty Horde D.
If you don’t like being out numbered. Roll pve.


Want to explain why you keep crying when it didn’t work the first three posts? Blizzard doesn’t care! Get over it!

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:violin: :cry:

Coming from horde who do the exact same thing.

That would be the best way to handle things.

These sound like changes…
These sound like changes because horde cry.
These sound like changes because horde cry because they choose horde.
These sound like changes because horde cry because they choose horde, knowing it was heavily imbalanced, knowing there would be a que, refusing to re-roll or go alliance.
These sound like changes because horde cry because they choose horde, knowing it was heavily imbalanced, knowing there would be a que, refusing to re-roll or go alliance. and continue to make matters worse.
These sound like changes because horde cry because they choose horde, knowing it was heavily imbalanced, knowing there would be a que, refusing to re-roll or go alliance. and continue to make matters worse by trying to purposely force turtles to waste peoples time.

These sound like complaining about something you caused. made and agreed to, but now don’t like it because it doesn’t benefit you personally.


Seems like this is the fix they have decided for faction imbalance. Let horde stew in the 30 min Q’s just to lose in 7mins to premade till they decide to reroll alliance.

Addons, can sort AVs , removing numbers wont solve anythings…

And adding a 15 deserter buff for dodging, dude, if i need to dodge que as horde, you saying i loose my spot in que after queing 40min, and then have to wait 15min to wait 45 min again, yea sure, thats a brillitantly stupid idea…

and lastly none of this existed in my classic, so no thanks


Faction balance on most servers with active PvP… Horde, usually by a insanely large margin unless you are a runaway on a Heartseeker like server. It was all fine and dandy when Horde outnumbered world PvP on most servers and seeing 10 Horde for every 1 Alliance was pretty normal. But god forbid a FEW Alliance premades actually get the cards stacked in their favor for a while. Horde pugs still roll over T1 premades. Have a decent chance to beat T2 50/50, but man… one of the T3 or server premades gets in and beats you like a red headed step child and… OH LORDY! THERE’S A FIRE! AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT!

Get over it. Horde had there EZ honor during wpvp. So now… a FEW Alliance premades are pushing them little brown eyes in. GET OVER IT. You still beat every Alliance pug 100% of the time, still beat T1s probably 80% of the time, still beat T2s probably 50% of the time. GET OVER IT.

Edit adding: All I hear from Horde on a daily basis right now is, “Even though 90% of the games on the list for AV are pug lobbies that get stomped on, we still want the other 10% of lobbies to be stompings too. We want to win 100%… NO LOSE SITUATION PLEASE BLIZZARD, THANK YOU.”


horde cannibalize themselves too, they are raging at each other for “non rankers” stealing honorable kills.

Its not just alliance.

Oh, and the paladin pull isnt an exploit. :kissing_heart:

The alliance players that aren’t in the premades seem to think these t3 premades are SOOO rare just because they aren’t in their games and they just get stomped in empty ally games from premades skipping queues all the time.

What they don’t seem to understand is that these t3 premades are zooming through games in 6-7 mins and instantly queueing into another game.
While the horde are waiting in a 40 min queue these premades can play like 3-5 games. So once that queue is up the odds of running into one of these premades is very high because they are always hitting up the queues. And by nature of ally queues being instant and horde being very long there is zero ways to realistically queue dodge premades that you keep getting matched with.

A LARGE majority of my AV games are against these 7 min premades. You alliance players outside the bubble aren’t seeing the whole picture and are getting just as screwed over by the existence of these premades in ways that aren’t as easily observable as well

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sounds like you rolled the wrong faction

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No they wouldn’t. We have faction changes in retail, along with merc mode, and horde still has long queue times. It doesn’t fix anything.

Blizzard really dropped the ball with AV and the honor system in general. Now it really doesn’t matter what little fixes get cobbled together at this point. I’m glad I just got the rep rewards the first few days and quit queuing up. I knew AV was going to be garbage from the moment the nerfed version was announced.

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That and xrealm.

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It’s only garbage because horde are bad are PvP.

Alliance are doing nothing special the horde can’t do.

yup, forgot that one completely.

What PvP is alliance participating in? Running to horde base and bubble pulling one npc? Yeah, awesome PvP there bud. Before alliance formed coordinated premades they were getting stomped up and down AV. I think in my last 40 or so games I lost maybe 4. This was week one when it was pug on pug so don’t come in here and act like some big pvpers because you’re able to form premades with voice and rush one npc all day because that’s just sad.

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Because horde can’t just join a discord call as well at the start of match?

Face horde are just not interested in being good at BGs. Probably due to the fact that horde players just picked OP racials and never wanted to put in effort to get good beyond picking a faction at the character creation.

AV is even horde favored map you get to bel dater etc, it’s solely because the alliance players are more skilled the win rate is 99%.

Bad troll is bad

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