same here.
and if it were the systemic problem they claim it is bliz would have had to act a long while ago.
They just updated the boxing statement page a few weeks back. clearly they have looked at it again and decided its not going anywhere.
boxing aint cheating…and it wont matter if you click your heels together three times and keep repeating that it is, friend. It does say a bit about the person filing the endless, pointless reports, however.
I dont box but i do druid farm with the rang. standing in one spot not moving mowing down mobs, looting with the rang. I get whispers here and there. I just ignore them. I imagine Ive gotten a few bot reports filed.
Not my problem if someone cant handle just playing their game and letting me play mine
No, they start toxic and sour.
no is is ripped of LMAO.
you can go farm ANYTHING in this game yourself guy. NO ONE is forcing you to buy anything from the AH.
- bad boxer wont let me gouge
one of the more pathetic, entitled arguments against boxing…and makes me appreciate boxers all the more.
Course, unlike some…i wont pay more than Im willng to. instead of screaming about prices in here, I just go farm it myself if I feel to.
it gets amusing watching them accuse of hostility AFTER theyve started the name calling, lol
but you arent in any postiion to ask anyone to compromise.
This game doesnt belong to you…nor are you on any board making decisions for it.
The rule makers have spoken recently on the matter as posted in here a few times already. They didnt negotiate…they didnt compromise…they simple told you that boxing is permitted…again.
whats YOUR motivation here? give, give, give ? I doubt it.
This is a WAR based game where COMPETING for resources is the POINT.
If thats not for you…and thats ok…then Skyrim awaits…or even ESO.
again…competing for resources is the point. why would anyone make sacrifices for you or anyone else not a guildie?
They wouldnt
They shouldnt.
thats when you flip. Many of us do it.
or just go farm something else like pets and mogs and make bank every day.
I dont think Ive ever seen a boxer doing quests. Just farming nodes or skinning.
and theyve never bothered me.
the one boxer let me hit the node first before he roasted it.
Not a single bad experience with a boxer to date.
This is farming a very specific mount that only drops from a few NPCs at very low rates. But the farming of those mobs makes quests in that area near impossible.
Getting even one of those to sell could easily fund anyone for a year of tokens.
Because I couldn’t sleep and had nothing better to do at this ungodly hour, I took a peek at your post activity. Please don’t act like this is your first foray into the anti-multiboxing threads.
almost humorous. Rankin posts on this topic more than most. Somehow you missed his many refutations to box haters absurdities?
I see.
Well, honestly you can blame blizzard for that one. boxing or not, you can expect even solo druid players to be out there laying waste to everything in sight if they want the mount.
I run druid. I know that 4 or 5 non druids cant keep up with me if Im in the mood to take everything around me. we have longer range, are far more mobile, can target behind us…toss in stuff like the loot-a-rang and any other class, boxing or not, is going to have a hard time competing…which is precisely why you see boxers using druids.
Grats on bruto!
Yes I do. For allowing players to use key cloners. I have no issues with players boxing… if they are pressing individual keys on individual keyboards. But I’m not going to argue that, I know where you stand and respect your position, I just happen to significantly disagree.
I do agree they sell pretty well but a year of tokens… The US median price is like 300k. WoW Token is what now like 135k? That would be just like over 2 months of game time per mount and they are extremely low drop rate.
Well, that certainly sounds like civil discourse.
Depends on server and local drop rate… You’re on Area-52… I’m on Terenas/Hydraxis. We’re tiny.
as long as you arent resorting to the name calling and lying about details I can respect your opinion and leave it.
If the others want respect, they should do the same.
I had just mentioned last night about alts and what do you know…the OP swapped alts while I was out starting dinner, lol.
You dont just accidently swap alts on this forum. it takes a few clicks and you KNOW you are doing it.
Then tries to play it off like ‘whoooops’. lol.
They do that for a reason. And it gets annoying when they resort to that crap instead of keeping their hand above the table.
IF you arent like that…and it seems you arent…then like Yesuna and I, we can keep it civil between us a lot easier.
As far as key cloners…bliz knows how boxing works and theyre ok with it.
As long as they are, we all have to deal with it.
But as far as my comment about you can blame blizzard…its the same with black friday when someone inevitably falls down and gets trampled.
The stores KNOW its going to happen, yet they create the environment anyway.
Same here.
Bliz put the mount where it drops. Of course players will do anything they can get away with to get it if they want it.
And it makes the game harder for someone else…but thats how these games are.
I don’t know about key cloners, but I guess it means the same keyboard is used for multiple accounts.
Botters are much worse and can be dangerous if a player doesn’t know what they are doing which is why WoW is against that specific group and not all MB. Software/apps are written which play the game for a person. People who use these apps are typically required to give the third party their WoW account info which usually leads to them getting hacked at some point - said player then opens a ticket to get their stuff back causing more work for Blizz.
oh dear god. Thanks for pointing that out. I didnt know that and am half tempted to fire up more accounts and try boxing again.
OMG I go to bed and wake up to find someone is still poking this dead horse?
And then you poked it too.
I still have yet to see a single multi boxer since I started playing this game.