ive killed Fyrakk on LFR/Normal/Heroic every single week since the raid released and RWF was done. Still nothing. This game is becoming a waste of time for me as my class is tuned around it. just did my weekly CHORES and still nothing. people who dont even play the game get it 1st 2nd try. Ive already ended my renewal because of it. yeah i get it, WAH, but i invest too much time in this game and ive literally hit a wall, i dont get invited to the 27s i need because i dont have it. literally blocked by ONLY RNG. Not spending another dollar on this game if i even come back after game time expires. Worn out, played since BC.
its crazy how they make a item, that has major power level, but not letting everyone use it in the season.
Why? the Heroic greater ember encompasses the BLP from the lesser tokens. You should only be killing the highest tier you can, not all of them. Unless you start with LFR, then go N, then H I guess that could be helpful, but seems like a waste of your time.
You’re still getting a chance for season 4 though?
Infact evokers and 2handed classes will get another chance cause you’ll be able to get a fated raid
Its ok you’ll get it next week i promise
They did TBH.
Essentially it boils down to:
- Use your Lesser/Greater Emblems as BLP that stacks over the weeks
- Do it on the Highest difficulty you can.
So all the people doing it on all the difficulties or holding on the Greater are just making their own rituals instead.
assuming what, the same raids will be out? and if they don’t and do something different, then what? are you going to help the people who didnt get it
Watch everyone need to get this legendary to drop again on fated lol
The best part? They can only try every 3 weeks
Some might not, same with Nasz’uro for Evokers last season.
how did we get to a place where your class gets screwed over if it gets the “legendary” of the season lol.
I dont know if it a new gen players thing , if people are throwing fits if they dont get what they want lol
I’m all for meming and dooming and generally I’m a bit of a Blizzard apologist when it comes to their game design, but this is the first time in almost a decade I’m ready to just stop playing. I play one spec of one class and I just honestly would usually be playing a lot more but the way this single stupid item is distributed tilts me almost every week. For clarity I have killed Fyrakk on heroic every week since Amir was released, and I’m the last 2h user in my raid to get the leggo. The last one dropped 5 weeks ago. I usually push M+ keys around this point of a patch cycle but in S3 I can’t really find the willpower, there’s just no getting over the feeling of lacking THAT much DPS.
Dragonflight was set up to be an all time expansion but unfortunately, for me at least, it’s ending in massive disappointment.
All im asking for a set way where everyone can get it. As it stands most people wont even get in groups they want, or help the raid, or feel powerful.
Thats the thing not everyone gets one, its not a purple
Just loot it 4head.
We had tons of orange before that pretty much everyone that did the work would just get.
Most legendaries aren’t as rng as DF legendaries.
Yea SL leggos got people spoiled lol
We had the wotlk leggos, the cata leggos, the mop cloak, the wod ring, the BFA cloak, SL legendaries which were all not much rng.
Legion legendaries had a realistic pity timer that could be tracked with an addon.
I think iv seen only one person with shadowmourne on classic thats it
You haven’t played much then, guilds have 2-3 of them by now if not more.
It takes around 6-8 weeks for it.