MOP Remix shows how awful each class's balance between specs really is

Playing through MOP Remix, I’ve noticed tenfold just how bad the imbalance is between each spec.

Mage: Fire is basically worthless. Either play arcane spamming Arc Blast/Missiles, or frost. Fire is just awful damage even though in retail, I can steamroll right through any M+ dungeon with over 40% of the group’s damage.

Warlock: Demo and Destro feel brokenly overpowered. Affliction is truly bad. It’s so, so, SO much work to play affliction and get dots up, and to sit there waiting while it dies.

Hunter: Survival is such a snooze, and deals 30-40% less damage than MM or BM. Idk why, makes me very confused. Just across the board, 40% dps loss swapping to Surv

These are the specs I’ve played IN RETAIL… I don’t have experience in other classes, but I did try several others just to compare. But idk how they are in retail

Druid: Balance is crazy amount of damage, like holy crud. Feral is lackluster, slow, and barely can hold its weight. I nearly died in most encounters of 3+ enemies, while Balance could tank 5-7 enemies.

I’m hoping hero talent trees and upcoming talent tree changes can fix some of it.

Currently the changes they’re planning to make for Demo Warlock looks so bad though.

Leveling balance has never been reflective of end game balance.

Any balance issues on retail at end game, has no correlation to leveling in MoP remix.

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It feels like melee and ranged are playing different games. Plus ranged are more safe with the random one shots happening

really? I haven’t tried the two range specs, but survival is doing a lot more damage than my ret paladin currently. I’m only in the mid 20s with my characters so this might change though.

In fact I’ve tried a few classes and so far survival has been my strongest dps wise.

Same! I’m playing a survival hunter and I’m always top #2 or 3 DPS in dungeons and raids (right below the frog farmers). I can’t say I have all the data, though, because I didn’t try out marksman or beastmaster yet.

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my paladin is now 70 and though the paladin is getting better, survival is an absolute dps machine. Lower survivability is the big problem I’m having though. Which is hilarious given the name.

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I would like to say in actual Dragonflight because they are the df mechanics, we have had the most class diversity in DF then we have had for a long time if that gives you hope <3 remix is just a little different its about procing as many numbers as you can even low ones so your tinkers pop damage

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Its incredibly silly to compare retail damage to remix. The scaling per point of stats is diiferent. The content is different. There are alot of differences. Ive leveled multiple classes/specs to max already and tbh if youre stuggling at all, youre either stacking leech and speed or youre not upgrading your gear every few levels. And past 60 you need to upgrade EVERY level.

Complaining about spec balance in Remix is WILD. it’s not like it effects M+, End game raids etc especially when the only reward from end game raids is more bronze.


I was about to say some of these players might be new then I saw the achievement score :open_mouth: they could be returning players to give them benefit of the doubt

How’s survival compare to arms warr?

like 100k dps under buttt you can still clear all the keys up to +10 with survival anyways so does it matter? it really is play what you want in df

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I don’t play arms, but I will say survival has amazing dps, but low survivability. It is very easy to die, but the dps is great if you dont.