MoP Remix - Scaling is EXTREMELY broken and some group content becomes unplayable

Various LFR Throne of Thunder bosses are doing very overtuned amounts of damage once you start reaching the level 50+ range and there are multiple reports on Twitter about level 60-70 content having too much HP/one-shotting whoever has aggro, rendering Heroics/Heroic Scenarios broken as well once you hit a high enough level.

Durumu’s Lingering Gazes are ticking for north of 70% of players’ HP, revealing the blue add on that same fight is an instant wipe because it starts quickly one-shotting players, soaking buffs on Primordius in order to do max damage to the boss is nearly one-shotting players, and Iron Qon is currently completely unkillable for most groups because his Strike Spear: Storm Cloud mechanic is one-shotting players and hitting them for absolutely comical amounts of damage. To put into perspective just how comical the damage this ability is hitting for right now truly is, a monk in my LFR group got hit for 114 million damage, and had a healthpool of about 33k.

Please fix this. MoP Remix endgame content is literally unplayable right now because of these scaling issues and this is horrifically unpolished.


Glad this is going for 3 months instead of 3-6 weeks. Definitely need some fixes here.

Hit 70 on my mage after grinding real hard, the last 10 levels 60-70 were a bit grueling, despite min-maxing to the best of my capabilities, I could only pull a few mobs at a time or wait for my 3 min cds for a bigger pull. Even then I wouldn’t delete any mobs outright, it would just end up being a stun-fest with the tinker gem abilities

Don’t even get me started on heroic dungeons and scenarios, I didn’t touch them until 70 and that was a BIG mistake, do them asap cuz scaling will punish you for being higher level.

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Bumping this because this is still hideously broken. A group I’m in tried doing Ordos and everyone got one-tapped by Burning Soul for like 8 million damage.

This is not fixed even though Blizzard claims it is.

despite the “hotfix”, people and wowhead are saying it is still broken…

just a wild guess @Kaivax, possibly the mobs are still hitting as if we are level 90, not 70?

This was mentioned in the interview today, they are aware and working on a fix so fingers crossed that it’s soon!

Might you have a link to the interview?


This happends when its tested for just 2 days on ptr, there untill level 25 same as now mobs are a joke, than u spammed LFR over and over and lvl up quick. Than on live they backtrack ans take out xp from LFR and ppl start content again but suprise its overtuned.

Second phase of Iron Qon is doing 17 to 32 mil damage in one attack

Level 70 Holy Paladin with 481k HP, ilvl 323, getting one-shot to numerous abilities doing at least twice the damage than what the tooltip says.

Heroic Scenarios:

Brewing Storm

  • Swamp Smash doing 368k a hit when the tooltip says 167k
  • Torch Toss dot doing 166k a tick when the tooltip says 84k
  • Venom Cloud doing 373k a tick when the tooltip says 175k

Dark Heart of Pandaria

  • Stone Rain 1,350,898 on the 2nd tick
  • Melee from Urthages the Destroyer 477k hit

Blood in the Snow

  • Hekimas Scorn 82k a tick tooltip says 54k
  • Frost Shock 447k a hit

Battle of the High Seas

  • Fire! 550k a tick, I took 1,100,000 fire damage in 1 second


Completed the achievement Heroic: Pandaria Scenarios and there is almost ZERO counterplay to some of these abilities. Terrible game design decision when you just get deleted in trash packs with the only ability to learn is looking through the combat log and scratching your head as to why something is hitting you for 2-10x the tooltip damage at level 70.