MoP remix scaling breeds the most toxic players

In 18 years of playing WoW I’ve never really experienced too many cases of players being excessively toxic, but my lord the amount you get in MoP remix is astounding.

The trial accounts and spam dungeon runners with capped speed who blast through content seem to take the cake but on the whole it’s just a massive case of self-centredness and condescension cased by the ease of being able to delete everything exists.

If you want to boost a character or speed run a dungeon whatever, but at least try and allow people to get credit and don’t get abusive because you’ve been delayed by 2s, and once you get to the end of the dungeon, drop group reform and requeue.

Don’t be a jerk and get aggressive and kick people because you can’t requeue instantly. Crazy enough thought but the majority of the group are still trying to catch up and loot the actual dungeon.
If you can’t wait for that, leave, take 1s to zone out and requeue.

Show some consideration and actually act like a human being.


Have you ever noticed that gnomes players are always chill and super nice? Yea. Something to think about.


They collectively decided they wanted gnome-ore toxicity in their groups.


That’s a paddlin!


When I get the level 20 priest speedrunners, I just follow them through the dungeon and loot. Maybe not the most fun experience, but it’s over fast and I don’t have to do anything. I usually bring Taivan toy out and everybody pets him.


Did you run heroic ToT yesterday? Somebody kept pulling out Taivan on cooldown in my run lol

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On the one hand, I’m full 556 gear and I like to be able to use it rather than sitting on my hands so ‘everyone can participate’.

But on the other hand, I’m personally not one of the ones charging ahead of the rest of the group and having them play walking simulator. I’m still waiting for the tank to make the pulls but once combat starts the gloves come off lol


Thank you. Yes it’s been horribly toxic. This is why nobody speaks in instances. I had the nerve to ask the tank to stop skipping trash in a dungeon and they kicked me out after saying “Hunter being a Hunter”. What kind of sociopath does that?? All you have to do is either ignore me or say no it’s fine this way. We’re at the LoL level toxicity.


I feel lucky if I get into a group with a trial character/speed runner. I went from level 15 to 70 in less than 2 hours, I think it was? Wild ride.

I learned to just let the boss loot go to my mail box. Trash isn’t worth looting.


Honestly, the way Remix is going… has made me decide to redownload FFXIV and ESO. It’s maddingly toxic and has kind of ruined the experience for me. I enjoyed Remix at first, but then it went wildly toxic. People I kept trying to pretend were “just” bots instead of lifeless grinders, people being aggressive, rude, spam farming quest mobs, PvP NPCs… and reports and complaints seem to be met with a vague shrug from Blizzard at best.


The reason why no one speaks in instances has nothing to do with speedrunners in MoP and everything to do with the community of the game at large. At this point, join a guild, sit in trade chat, or play with friends if you want a social experience. It’s been like this for years.

In any case, if you want someone to blame or be mad at, that should be Blizzard. They are the ones responsible for crap Bronze acquisition & stupid scaling - you can’t blame people for doing the most effective farms.

Everyone I’ve run into while I’m carrying has been quite nice and appreciative of getting through the content quickly, which is what Remix was advertised as: a quick way to level alts. If you don’t want to play quickly, Remix may not be for you - or, you may make your own group and do the content at your own pace :slight_smile:

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no? most evil race in the game

I rest my case. And all I asked is to kill the trash in the way for the extra bronze.

Then go back and kill the trash or do it in the next run? Unfortunately, not every instance is going to go your way, especially as a DPS - even in retail - because generally, DPS are not the instance leaders… there have been plenty of times that I didn’t get a quest kill because of x y z reason. That’s just not how the game has ever worked.

Again, if you want an ideal experience, you have to take it into your own hands. Pugs will always have some level of randomness in the result.


You’re either a new player or you’re trolling.

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At this point, I think it’s the other way around since you’ve apparently no idea how pug groups work.


humanity cant be hotfixed


You should still get credit. There’ve been a few raids fights I’ve gotten locked out of and still gotten credited for.

I’ve had the opposite experience. Speed runners running through and saying “ty” at the end or offering free raid carries, while those under geared complaining in the forums that want to play MoP classic.

*Resent because I replied to the wrong person


Huh no. What he’s saying is 100% accurate.

Queued content has always been majority rules. I remember the first dungeon of Cata had a similar situation. Most tanks did not want to kill the extra boss, Erunak, in that underwater dungeon because they wanted to just get in and get out. The best way to get Erunak for the quest was to form your own group or have a tank on your side.

He’s also right that this is Blizzard’s fault. In the example I used, they could have made the end boss the objective for the quest. They could have not completely borked scaling in MoP Remix.

Just because he’s saying something you don’t like doesn’t make what he’s saying untrue and it also doesn’t make him a troll.


This is why i just keep quiet and stick to myself. I rarely if at all ever experience toxicity because of this introverted way of life.

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