[MoP Remix] Replayability For Mythic SoO Rewards

Truly this post is more of an overarching issue with all raids giving far less bronze than what I believe it should as the “main” daily content of endgame.

But to address my point initially, Mythic SoO gives the exact same amount of bronze as heroic, making it simply not worth doing beyond title acquisition.

I believe all levels of non LFR raid should have their bronze bumped up by a tier or so, but Heroic ToT/SoO and Mythic SoO especially should be FAR more for how much harder it is as a whole compared to other raids.

I wrote this briefly in the feedback ( WoW Remix Developer Update – May 29 - #13 by Remixo-moon-guard ) but I believe it requires it’s own post as it is so egregiously lackluster compared to other sources on a per hour basis.

I’ve been made aware it seems mostly loot/rewards devs are working on this gamemode so I will not disparage their work as a whole, however that reinforces my request that higher content requires higher REWARDS.

Thank you