MOP Remix, My Opinion

It was never advertised as MoP when it was new.

Yeah, a similar thing happened to the guild I raided with in BC and WotLK. Fell apart in the early days of Cataclysm, and haven’t really played the game socially since then. I’m still here though, so obviously I’ve found other ways to enjoy it.

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It’s the General Discussion section, not the Current Retail Only discussion section.

I understand that, according to my post, but one can still hope to recapture some of its former essence.

Yeah, you’re describing Mists of Pandaria Classic. This is Mists of Pandaria “Season of Discovery kinda-sorta”.

Mists of Pandaria Classic will almost certainly happen after Cataclysm Classic, which is only lasting about a year anyway.

The word ‘classic’ was never attached to anything related to Remix, which made it clear (to me at least) that it wasn’t going to be that, even before reading about the details. Since WoW Classic is actually a thing, Blizz tends to be clear in promo material when something is for one version of the game or the other.

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If you do that. True classic mop i would never play it.

Just like i never touched classic, tbc, wrath and now cata.

Retail has too much quality of life improvements for me to ever go back to the, “good ole days” i took off my rose tinted glasses when i quit retail and went to play private “blizzlike” wrath private. I saw how badly classic sucked compared to retail.

We all have our opinions and a right to them. Mop remix is mop but with retail paint and im just fine with it.

You want true mop classic, i know there is a private server that has that.

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Well this is what is different. Blizzard can’t find you a new bunch of friends.

If you don’t walk a certain way, you can’t get through the gate.

because this is not the point of this

Heck OP I think your post could be applied to life in general :dracthyr_crylaugh: looking back at the great things that made things great is nostalgia but nothing can ever recreate the good times that came in the moment. Everything changes and changes fast, and only looking back does a person realize that it’s gone too quickly. We were different people then, a different community with a different culture and expectations, and that’s just the way it goes.

Enjoy what you can for what it is, because there just is no going back. Try to have new fun experiences and make new friends and enjoy even those while they last. Make memories to take with you into tomorrow because once tomorrow comes… well. It’ll be time to make new things all over again. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Neither can I. :cry:

Maybe invite the neighbors over for BBQ. Who doesn’t like BBQ?

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I know “people” who don’t like BBQ. I’m pretty sure they’re either robots or space aliens.

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isnt this supposed to be some alternate timeline or something?
If so, it doesnt have to be the exact Mists of the past.

Taurens are friends, not food.

Those fish people on Pandaland on the other hand…

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i think ppl were thinking this was gonna be similar to mop and it aint.
imho they coulda used mop talents but it’s w/e lol. see ya in mop classic next yr.

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Agreed. I was hoping this would be more like a “MoP Classic”. I HATE the fact that flying is available immediately, (especially Dragon Riding) and I don’t care for this new gear socket system.

For me I think I was exited to “reexplore” the zones again and do the quests, which is what I enjoyed most about this expansion in addition to the raids. But having flying immediately takes away from the experience of really feeling out the zone.

I’m running one character up for now; curious though to see how much of the cloak buffs carry over to a second one after I hit 70.

Is it just me, or does leveling still feel slow. I’ve been playing my character for about 7 hours collectively have maybe 42% more experience gain and I’m level 30 right now…I don’t think I’m going any faster than retail tbh.