MoP remix LFR—wow

I know this event is pretty new, but LFR is something else in MoP remix. The mini game now is to not die to trash before getting to the boss. I tailed tanks through every instance, and still died to trash that weren’t being tanked 4-5 times, which then caused me to get locked out of fighting a boss. Okay, my bad. I’m not needed as DPS, because trash dies quickly. My new strat is to just not touch trash at all, and try not to die. I can’t imagine what this is going to be like in a month. GL anyone that hasn’t already started leveling a remix alt. This is probably moot, since everything will be falling over in another week or two.

I’ve run LFR wings for a week now. I have never once had this happen nor seen it happen. I have pulled aggro, but I have so much leech and there’s so much passive healing from gems thst you really have to be trying to die to have this issue.

Just find what’s fun to you and do it. This isn’t progression content. And if you’re dying, check your gear and gems.


Good strat.


Same, well over a week really. No clue what the OP is doing that would result in their death to trash in LFR.

Every LFR I’ve been in I spend most of my time following the big death machine’s wakes looting trash.

I died to trash in Remix LFR. Once. Was just as I turned lvl 25. Rocket Jumped by accident right past the tanks and head first into a pack of mob trash. The Trash pack wasn’t happy about it and proceeded to make me into a piñata. They laughed, the tanks laughed, I cried. Was good times.


I ran a level 25 healer through Mogu’shan Vaults last night and was laughing at how I was completely useless.

No one was taking any damage.

I dropped some totems and aoe heals just for fun, but otherwise I was spamming Lightning Bolt.

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I haven’t had any issues in LFR at all. In fact, I would argue that things are too easy, but it makes for faster clears so I can’t really complain. I did all of this while it was current, so I don’t mind blasting through these raids.

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I haven’t done LFR yet, but I’ve seen it in dungeons and scenarios… Tanks just running through stuff and not getting aggro and then people dying because they weren’t one of the exploiters who are one of the super remix peeps who can solo anything. Yeah good times… bad players.

Switch your sockets to the Fire DPS ones.

I’ll sometimes switch out the Frost and Shock tinkers for Fervor, Holy Martyr and Righteous Fury Tinkers and spam AoE Heals.

Force them to take damage by healing them, and in return, you get to heal them, and their damage is boosted, so is yours. As well the bonus is the DPS tinkers trigger from your healing and drop a barrage of fiery death on top of the mobs heads while you just simply AoE heal.
Mix it up your Meta with either Ward or Lifestorm for hysterical Damage Bursts. And, yes, even you and who you ward are credited for the damage burst on dps meters; and if you Ward a Kermit Camper, gets more entertaining.

Edit; Forgot the damage caused by Fervor and Righteous Fury to you and your group is added and credited to your DPS on DPS meters. It is the ultimate cheesing the meters while still being useful.

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