MOP Remix Devastation Below quest is bugged

Voress’thalik is dead when I go to the area. He doesn’t respawn.


Yep tried relogging quitting the quest everything.

i can 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th this as i and 4 others were standing there waiting for a wile

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Yes theres a bunch of people waiting, this needs to be fixed.

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I sent an in-game bug report on this issue.

Apparently, this has been broken for over a year, even in Retail and they still haven’t fixed it.

Also… they either took out the ticket system, or made it so difficult to find to have a GM look into it in real time.

Bump. Please fix.

I formed a group in Group Finder under questing and once I invited a couple folks to force a shard change, he spawned. Not ideal but a workaround I’ve done twice for folks until Blizzard patches it. Hope this helps.

What makes it worse is it is part of the campaign and achievement !

I put in a ticket about this and got a seemingly AI generated response from a named CSR basically saying “We know its an issue and we can’t do anything for you about it”. Extremely frustrating given that some of the rewards are locked behind completion of this…

This was part of the reply I received:
"This issue is unfortunately a known issue for some time on Modern WoW and we apologise that it has not yet been addressed. We are aware that it is a current issue of some increased importance to many players because it is a quest in Townlong Steppes on Mists of Pandaria Remix, which means a lot of players are encountering this issue.

Customer Services are sorry to confirm that we will not be able to provide quest completion, quest rewards, associated transmogs, Bronze or achievement credit with apologies."

They then go on to say to please report the bug as its very important to the process. As if it hasn’t been reported for over a year and is according to their wording “a known issue for some time on Modern WoW”.

wtf… its like, “yeh. we know about this one. its kinda hard for us to figure out what causes it, so we just quit trying. You say its part of the achievement and campaign? Well. My response to that is… clears throat… uh hum… F[_]CK

It is bugged for me also. I was told to put a ticket in and told to server jump to find him up on a different server

It’s not as if they had years to fix it. Oh wait. THEY DID. Fix it, you fools.