MoP Remix - dagger in the dark scenario tuning issue

Dagger in the Dark is a quest scenario where you have to fight some elite mobs with the help of Vol’Jin.

  1. Elites are too tough for my 30ish evoker, and when you die the mobs reset to max health. I could not kill the second elite Broodmaster, he pretty much 1-2 shot me over and over.
  2. The boat trip - weapons are very weak. The main attack does very little damage and other than the eggs, the flamethrower took several hits to kill any mobs.
  3. Vol’jin’s healing was weak and his damage negligible. He doesn’t keep threat either so it’s pretty much a solo fight.

I managed to get to the last boss with my BM hunter, I cannot defeat him though, he teleports then stuns for 5-6 seconds into a poison cloud which does damage enough to almost kill me in that duration, and he is always fixated on me and doesn’t get taunted by my pets so unless I use my CDs and heals and pots I cannot survive, even if I did, he keeps repeating this combo and I cannot kill him because of my spells being on cooldown


Pick up the blue runes on the ground on the sides of the boat ride! I was stuck too til I realized those buff you a ton, then it wasn’t bad at all.


Thanks, I’ll try that

Been trying this and I was at least able to struggle my way to the last encounter, but the boi and his goons just one shot me the moment I rez, even with the Mogu power buff. am I just missing something?


65 Ret Paladin here, Rak’gor Bloodrazor is killing me in the opening Cheap Shot stun. Gear is all the max Item Level allowed for my level. This is 1000% overtuned and needs a fix ASAP.


When I did it Vol’Jin hopped on the boat and took off before we could hop on leaving us having to swim the entire boat trip.

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I assume the solution is to queue with a group perhaps? This is impossible solo. And you spend forever hoping each encounter is the last until finally you make it to the last guy and he just one-shots you every damn time.

A main campaign story quest/scenario should not be impossible like this.

Ok, this may be the bug: If you talk to General Nazwhatsit and ask him to queue you, it just throws you in solo. If you use the group finder’s Scenarios section, and specifically queue for Dagger in the Dark then it will actually wait for a full party I think!


Yes, this is the solution. This morning, I queued for it, and it took maybe 5-10m for the queue to pop but the three of us burned the whole thing down in probably five minutes. Easy as cake. Don’t bother trying to solo any of these, it’s not worth the time even if you can do it IMO.


Put Blink in your Cogwheel slot. It breaks stuns so the second he stuns you in the cloud, you can just blink away. It also helps to have 5 stacks of the Mogu buff. Chain died til I did this and then was easy to solo as a 67 warlock.


Using the top above to get the runes (you can only get 5 stacks) I managed to do as a BM hunter at level 45. I freeze trapped one of the adds and burned down the other. Then the boss came after me and I just kited him backwards around the ring. The other add broke free near the end but I just burned the boss down. I also put all of the remix buff scrolls on.

This happened to me during Warlords of Draenor, so it is a bug with a long history.

If you are not seeing the blue runes, you may need to enable particle effects and/or projected textures. Also, some video cards/driver combos flake on this as well.

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This worked for me! Thanks

I managed to solo this on my warlock, here is my setup:

  1. pick up 5 runes in the canal
  2. kill the 2 adds first, this wont aggro the boss
  3. use the tinker gems Freedom and Grounding with other defensive tinker gems, this pretty much negated the shadowstep-stun combo
  4. kite the boss, let the tinker gems do the work
  5. utilize the healing totems to get health back
    Good luck all
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I managed (by a squeak) to defeat Rak’gor solo by using the blue runes. But now I can’t figure out what I’m supposed to do next concerning Dagger in the Dark. I can’t board the boat after killing Rak’gor, and the map doesn’t say anything.

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I am not sure how the Alliance side of this works, but --as Horde-- after killing Rak’gor, you have some dialogue with Vol’jin and can make a blood pact with him. Then the scenario is done. You then can “leave instance group”. As far as the rest of the Alliance campaign, dunno.

I got owned on my BM hunter like the other guy said he ignores my pets. I went back and gathered the blue runes along the river boat ride. They max at 5, but that give the following:
50% damage increase
100% haste increase
50% movement speed increase
10% max health healed every 2 seconds

Once you have that it’s a face roll.

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Yup, its almost impossible to do the last boss as a melee. The tuning is way off. Had to abandon and give up on the scenario. Its not possible to do unless you’re kiting constantly. The boss 1 shots when he touches you.

I can confirm for MOP remix grab those blue buffs 5 in total before you go into the fight. On your boat ride, or after you’ve died once. I did as a solo 70 paladin. I killed him by running to blue arrows and dodging yellow smoke. I attempted previously without these blue buffs and was one shotted.