MOP Remix Character Scaling

After the patch 11.0 go-live, scaling for MOP characters seems to have experienced some very large issues. I have a level 60 shaman, who could pull 10 mobs at a time in Krasarang with no issues before the patch. Now, I am getting killed in 4-7 hits from just one mob. Additionally, I made a new character (mage) to see if the issue affected just the one character, but it seems to be widespread. When doing the Jade Forest quests that tell the stories of Rell and Sully, the characters are taken out in 4-5 hits and deal almost no damage to the enemies.


I have the same or similar issue. Level 64 Evoker is unable to do any damage at all in routine combat. Die on every encounter.


same with my druid level 64. unable to kill 1 mob. I keep dying whereas before I could kill 5-6 mobs at a time that’s what made remix fun


You can log into a remix char? My game freezes then crashes upon logging into any remix char.

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It seems I’m having major issues and/or getting 1 shot’d around lvl 50+, level 61 dk is totally unplayable


I am having the same issue. I was really enjoying leveling my enhancement shaman, but since the patch, I do no damage, and am getting 2-3 shotted. I can barely fight 1 normal npc. They are doing about a quarter to half my health in damage, while I am only doing about 2-3K damage at the most. I keep dying to 2-3 npcs. It’s really ruining the small amount of time we have to level alts


My monk is worse now, as a geared 70, than when this mode came out and scaling was borked. Even then, I could pull 3-4 at a time. Before the pre patch, I could do like 6-10. Now? 2 it’s pushing it.


i made a post about this issue, i thought it was just me with my tanking. Its out of control. The scaling feels like our cloak stats are showing they are being applied, but somewhere in the coding its not working. As if only stamina is being applied but everything else is not.


Interesting you say this. i was at level 42 logging in post patch as a pally tank and I got my butt handed to me. My crit and haste were around 100% but now it under 20% with all the bonus numbers. Taking off the cloak with just the gear that I scalled up at the upgrade person and it’s single digits. or non exsistant.

Did a heroic senario. elite/boss are 24 million health (this is taking XP from mailbox leveling to 70. since the scale from 60-70 is greatly reduced. doesn’t take a lot of xp to get to 70. normal mobs are insane high health also. I’m blowing every cooldown I have to stay alive long enough to get through 1 mob let alone a few. In line with level 80 and scaling, it seems to have impacted. past expansions I notice a decline which preps for the next tier or leveling with the new expansion because the stats on gear and damage on weapons are a spike up. mobs reflect that so we can do damage but during this lul time when mobs and bosses get upgraded we can’t so pushing through is nuts.

Hope they fix this in remix. i just returned after a year off and i wanted to do Seige of Org to get the mats so i can get the heirloom items I’m missing.


Yeah I just came back after several months and enjoyed playing MOP Remix because I don’t have the time to raid or run mythics like I used to. So this scaling issue, coupled with the fact that there’s not yet any prepatch content makes my $15 feel like dust in the wind.

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same here, LVL 66 Shad Priest, owned by single mobs, created a beast hunter, cant get by si7 hozen ambush, its become unplayable


I’d just like to point out this issue (not referring to my post specifically) has not been acknowledged or tracked anywhere by Blizzard, despite it affecting a large population.


Exact same issue, 61 Arms War getting destroyed by common mobs, totally unplayable.


Same thing just happened to me, pulled a single pack at lvl 45 was dead in 4 hits.


Decided to make a new remix character to add more data. Zandalari BM Hunter. I’m now currently level 24. Regular mobs seem to be scaled fine so far, but…

I’m currently on the vehicle quests required for the storyline in The Jade Forest. Scouting Report: The Friend of My Enemy. Prior to the current patch, I was pretty much 1-2 shotting the Jinyu mobs. Now I’m taking huge amounts of damage and it’s not completeable. I can’t kill the first mob before the second one spawns in and I’m almost dead when the 3rd spawns in while I’m still being murdered by the 2nd mob. I’ve tried multiple times. Nada, nope, not possible without some way to heal up.

Tried mucking about with taking off all gear to see if that would do anything. No. Only made me do what felt like less damage. Died even faster. As it stands right now, Remix is not possible for questing with the amount of vehicle quests that are required/unavoidable in Pandaria.

Edit: Wowhead comments suggest kiting the mobs while using the ranged attack. Tried it. I got a bit further but still ended up dead before quest completion. Please fix Blizz. There are still things I wanted to buy before Remix is over. :frowning:


Sorry to hear you can’t even log in. However, you’re not missing much :frowning:

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As of today, my crippled toon is back to normal (pre-patch). As far as I can tell, Blizzard didn’t do anything to fix the problem - my tickets and bug report got “reset your UI” type answers that didn’t help in any way. And I didn’t do anything to clear things up. So… who knows? If any of you are still borked, maybe there’s a chance it will randomly clear up.


Since 11.0 mop remix tinkers are doing significantly less damage. Prior to 11.0 they were 70% of my damage. Post 11.0 they are doing less than 10% when you combine all of them.

DPS prior to patch was 10k
Post patch it’s 4.3k

~60% loss on dps.

Additionally, mobs seem to hit harder and have more HP.

This is on leveling toons 58 evoker and 58 hunter.

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Mine seemed to go back to normal yesterday too. I was finally able to level up those last ten levels, thank god

Oh I 100% am, I want my mounts that I was about to buy. I joined the remix scene late and work 12-16hr shifts 3-4x a week, WoW became a luxury to find time to do. Now I’m trying to get the few things I wanted from remix, but I can’t even log in for a whole week.