MOP Remix - Are you RPing in it?

i mean i think we bullied all the Real Bad Sorts off the server. WrA is too small to sustain the sort of edgelord that I think no one would want around.

you know the type. we’ve bullied them on the forums before, and they inevitably start asking about the jewish question about halfway into it.

the other kind of edgelord, who’s just a teenager doing Bad Death Knight RP, is harmless and they can stay. tho i’mma be honest, i don’t think wow is all that hip with the kids these days, so to speak, so i think most of them are playing Final Fantasy XIV or Genshin Impact. the only constant is warrior cats RP among the youth.

WoW is kind of a boomer MMO now, to be honest.

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what do you mean I’m not hip


Already in some private discussions about having an informal weekly IC get together. Sort of a - take your boots off, sit by the fire, what did you do this week?

Also, I plan to play a Pandaren paladin (if we get them) or else use a warrior in order to try out some ideas for a potential IC background that could integrate paladins in a truly Pandaren way further down the road.

There are of course, lots of other things that could be done … especially since we’ll be restricted to MoP zones … here’s a wild thought … RP out something from a past era. Like maybe a post-Empire, during the Mists era setting. Which doesn’t necessarily exclude other peoples. Who’s to say that there weren’t any elves, trolls, etc. (for whatever personal reasons) in the territory now known as Pandaria on the day the world broke?


That sounds fun tbh.

This thread really got me thinking.

A Goblin Chef – but was mostly conjuring his (or hers, not sure) award-winning faire, perhaps in secret, typical Goblin stuff; scamming the food critics for fame and fortune.

Knocked back in time, tries to conjure food and summons an imp. Now has to run a kitchen of demons while learning how to cook for real – and what better place than Pandaria?

All while swearing they’re still a mage – “This fire ain’t green, pal!” – and passing off the demons as their paid staff. Running around with Pierre the stove and doing their best to make it after faking it for so long.

I’m really hyped for this remix thing now.

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You know, in the spirit of a time “remix”, it could be fun to RP an alternate timeline Sarestha.

Her backstory TL:DR is that she was born in Lordaeron city, fled east to Tyr’s Hand when the city fell to Arthas, eventually became a Scarlet Crusader, died, and joined the Forsaken as a DK. Ever fighting for Lordaeron.

But maybe I should explore what would have happened if she’d fled, not east, but… across the sea. With the survivors of Lordaeron, under Jaina Proudmoore.

Maybe I can have a very very angry, yet never undead Sarestha Ravelle who has lost not Forsaken Lordaeron, but the promised refuge. Theramore. :thinking:

Idk I’m not usually into timey wimey stuff but maybe it’s worth giving a go xD

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I’m not going to be playing as a character that got sent back in time. I’m going to be playing as a proud member of the Horde having to grapple with the idea that the warchief that gave her purpose after breaking free of the Lich King’s control might not be the leader she thought he was. And she might have to ask herself some hard questions about why she wants to follow someone so bad.

Or maybe she’ll die IC at the end of it and just be my character that got me mag’har heritage armor. Who knows?

I’d actually love a weekly event like this in the new hub once a new expansion hits, especially an expansion like the one coming.

Also move in from the first zone to the next, and so on, after maybe 4 weeks or so per zone.

You could a sort of Rebel One kind of ending. Maybe you meetup with a rag tag crew, find evidence of where Sylvanas is heading and go to warn people. As you reach the shoreline to escape on a skimmer Nathanos is waiting for you. None of the crew make it out alive.

uh i’m writing about my beautiful misunderstood husband garrosh hellscream, why would i write about sylvanas.

but otherwise yeah that could be a cool idea, might go with it.

The Time Lost Caravan will have an entire RP campaign dedicated towards MoP Remixed. Basically some of us are re-rolling some characters to level them up in that mode, but also experience it IC using some time travel stuff. Some of us will be RPing new characters from that part of history that will then cross over into our current time in the timeline, so they might experience some crazy discovering Azeroth’s future kind of deal. Kind of like RPing a Dracthyr. I know I am planning on leveling up two different Dracthyr. Leveling them up from level 10 though seems like a really fun experience.

Trying to get folks together that also want to level up as an all Pandaren leveling group with those specific characters.

Basically I have 17 characters planned to level up during that time period, so I will be RPing with some of them, but really pushing to make all of them.

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