MOP Mob Density for Quest Zones

I watched a stream of the new Timerunning test weekend, and the streamer mentions a few times the lack of quest mob density and/or slow respawn rate. This gave me a major flashback to leveling issues in MOP. At launch, the competition for quest mobs was fierce, and came to a head in a small zone with a very few Treant mobs that we all needed like 6 of. I was there for a couple days trying to complete that quest on a very busy server, and never did - it reached the point where each spawn point was being camped by 10+ players, and literally nobody would group up. I didn’t need the frustration, so I unsubbed, played another game, and came back over a year later for 5.4. I see this as a potentially popular mode, and hope it doesn’t degrade into quest mob spawn camping like last time around. Any chance you can address this issue before launch?


Yep, it’s not great on the PTR. That’s really good feedback to give. I had a lot of downtime waiting for mobs.

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Between the downtime waiting for mobs, quest items that need to be clicked but then despawn (and thus can be sniped while you’re fighting a mob), and the mob XP nerf from a while back, it’s painful.

I agree, both days playing I had to wait for spawns quite a bit, even when I was mostly alone in the area. Felt very weird, I’m used to this with lots of other people farming mobs in an area… But I would experience it when I was seemingly alone.

Didn’t see any issues on PTR myself. Your looking for issues that aren’t there.

It depends on what time of day you play.

I gave feedback on a few quests which will be terrible to do with 5 or more people in the area.

You’re looking to fight where there’s no fight. Entire purpose of a ptr and ptr feedback forum is feedback.

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Honestly as someone who never spent much time in Pandaria, the questing was kind of awful and it will only get worse with the present low mob density once this goes live. One plus side is that it does give you a little bit of time to work on your gems.

I do agree in some spots there was a few issues I noticed when it came to mob kill/gathering quests compared to the amount of players in the same spot. However it was very rare in some cases depending on the time of day you were on and testing.

The questing I felt overall was a good pace but since PTR populations aren’t like live server populations, I do feel that it will be an issue once remix goes live. They just need to avoid the fiasco that SoD launch was between players and quests target spawns.

I decided to give it a try, made a priest, and quested up until the problem quest (looting first aid kits from Sprites I believe). There were zero other players in the area, so I killed all the mobs, and had only 3/6 of the quest items. I started waiting for respawns, and about 5 other players showed up. I stopped questing, and spammed dungeons up to lvl 24 in short order. I never had to wait longer than a minute for a LFG (healing), and after the initial “no WA or addons” shock, they went quite well. If quest mobs are an issue at launch, it’s nice to know you can just LFG until the crowds subside.