MOP healers

What were the top healers in PVP

Everything except RDruids/rsham/holy priest.

wait what? Resto druids in s15 were the sheet, I played one even

mistweavers were also not bad back then, but rdruid was probably #1 for most comps simply due to Cyclone

also, NS + Cyclone was a thing for a while

other good healers include hpal and rsham for comps where rdruid wasnt great (i.e. FLS)

holy priest was quite good in MoP


Literally all 3 of those were the best healers in MOP.

Everything was on par with everything. Disc gets worse later on, but all are insanely good.


second wind warriors


R druid :100: Hpriest became playable , maybe strong in 2’s

Wonder how rsham will be after everyone has an air raid siren weakaura for healing stream totem


I remember usually taking a MW, HPal and RDruid to my RBG groups. Essentially & functionally - an FC/TC healer, target/Def healer and group/O healer respectively. Sometimes a Shammy…
With my Lock friend in 3’s we usually took an HPal or an RSham. But Priests were nice too for other comps.
But yeah, pretty much every spec could be used. That was why I have such fond memories of MoP… So many groups, so many people, so much activity, so much fun :smiley: People said classes were too homogeneous but often forget how the abundant and well-rounded toolkits truly allowed for skill to shine through. And the fact was you could make anything work. I made a Guardian Druid work like a DPS warrior for Sha’s Sake lol

Now I’m slightly tempted to play MoP Classic if I’ll have some time to spare…

rsham was op
orb botting mws wre op
rdruid was good

@op this is the answer you were looking for

that mage is fs trolling

Someone didn’t play MoP