Your name rings a bell with me…
Lamole - Human Warrior
Guilds: Tempest (could be BC) dont remember.
Looking for: Micro, Jdogg
I played Tarnak - Mage in Unity. I remember one night we were doing ZG you passed out at Hakkar because of whatever hour in the morning it was when we finally made it there.
Good times.
Hey Kitty! I remember drunken naked dueling outside Ironforge and getting my teeth kicked in by your rogue. Good to see you!
Teh Seckz! Man, lotta memories in this thread lol. I play with Brix and Paulwall from time to time as well, though on their new mains. Ceró-Proudmoore is my new main.
Y’all gonna do some classic stuff? We’re on Atiesh.
Anjali & Leafzilla from IA & others
I am now horde on Area52 rollin’ a sham
Paulwall - Dwarf priest
Guild- Unity
Paulwall baybeh im the peoples champ, I got the inuhnet goin nuts
Rangorf warrior class leader and main tank for hostile tranquility
good to see so many people in here
I bopped around as Meroë in Gutbuster Brigade, Order of Golden Fries, and others. Tank back in the day, thinking of healing this time around. Laid back, somewhat goofy, ultimately looking for a filthy casual crew in the 25+ bracket.
Shruikan from reverence. Hi mom!
are we going to relive me disconnecting on thaddius and wiping the raid again?
Eviloman - Human Warlock
Not too sure what the guild was, was in KoTS for a long while.
I played on Kitiarina (F Human Mage) and Elane (F NE Druid) in Vanilla. I was in Gutbuster Brigade for most of BC and Equitas at the end. An early name change was Imminent (Druid) as well that someone might recognize. I was so young in vanilla, the earliest names I can recall are Iceme(mage) Nothx(warlock) and Hiss(Druid).
I remember a lot of the names in this thread though it makes me soooo nostalgic.
So many good memories growing up, thank you Moonrunner <3
Edit: I played with a dwarf warrior and dwarf paladin a lot they were cousins irl if that rings a bell. Can’t remember names.
What server?
I miss the old vanilla days on Moonrunner.
There are some real quality peeps in this thread. I was always a Horde Main, but I rolled in “Sky Pirates” years ago, and befriended a ton of people in “Alliance Optimus.” Constant fights vs Jaxattack, Reflex, Fieryxenia (sp?), and Andrewv. Such great times!
I wasn’t always this pretty… back then I was “Dekarmoon” Troll Hunter (noob)
Hey man, fellow Alliance Optimus guild member here! Played a human mage by the name Maelice.
Hope all is well!
Jaxattack was one of my first friends on Moonrunner prior to either of us even hitting 60. Name brings back some memories.
Seen a lot of names I recognize from these days.
Looking for anyone who was part of Phoenix Rising and raided with them. I havent played on Moonrunner in years but remember Resallaprov, Serraphina, Waktoh just to name a few.
Hey! I was in Sealed Fate while leveling from what I can remember! I was a human warlock, Desiresana.