Moonrunner Alliance Reconnections

I remember those guilds, not so much the character lol… getting old at this point, memory isn’t what it used to be :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey bud. This is Disciplo, night elf warrior. Dunno if you remember /wave

Disciplo-Night elf warrior.

Brotherhood of Steel and later Equitas. /missyall

(I’m on Kromcrush classic as Sambouki, alliance)

Corvette!!! This is Disciplo :slight_smile:

Larond/Vesik from Ascension.

Jeeeeeesus how could I have forgotten about Equitas. I was with them as well… I miss my Moonrunner days, :frowning:

Shogunate .

This thread died :frowning:

Vesik/Larond and I (Disciplo) are playing over on Kromcrush alliance. If anyone reads this and needs a home, hop on Kromcrush and send a tell!

Hey guys, this is Donavan (Paladin) here. How are you, lads?? I’m playing in Pagle atm. My main characters are Pradoc (paladin) and Gillstrom (warrior).

Hey guys, Donavan here!!! How are you doing?? I’m playing in Pagle [A].

howdy guys! formerly known as Gericjr on MR…NE Druid avid pvper who FC’d with UAEE and Puzzle for years. Raided some with SR and pugged with GoW regularly. Anyone still around playing?

I know this thread is old, but here goes.
Darkrat, good to see you here, was wondering myself about some of the ol’ GoW players. You, Deac & Waldmann, Kel & Daz, Web, Agra,… the list goes on.
Just got back into WoW this past Oct., and just stumbled across this yesterday.
I’m on Sen’jin playing a few different characters. I kept my Druid, Sadeera over there. Drop in and shoot me a mail, let me know how to get a hold of ya.
@Krinack, yup I member those times. Great stuff, that above goes for you too, and any of the folks from ol’ Moonrunner, even just to say hi.
I see sooo many familiar names in this thread, brings back memories, good times. Its good to see everyone that posted here. :smiley:
Ya’ll have fun now, ya hear.

Jarrok here. I was a nobody in Gods of War and Infernal Affairs. I just found this.

I’m playing Horde on Faerlina Classic.

Good to see all of the old names and such.

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Good to hear you’re doing well.

Jarrok here. I was a nobody in GoW. Good to see you’re doing well.

miss you conier


Yo to all the Sr, gow, fuzzy dice IA peeps

Haven’t played in a long time but check out the forums from time to time

Titanium Wheelchair Gang 4 Life!

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Wow! There’s a name I remember.

Moonstealth, played rogue in BC and WOTLK on here with Red Tear, Don’t Panic, and a few others.

Looking for members of Don’t Panic from back in the day. Also anyone from Red Tear in the same timeframe!

Dead thread, but there is hope!