Moonkin in 11.0.5: Bringing back interesting gameplay

Hi there,

back with some more Balance Druid feedback regarding the proposed 11.0.5. PTR changes. I won’t spent time on the class tree, everyone already said what needs to be done, we basically need a rework on the the level of what Paladin is getting in 11.0.5.

So let’s move onto Moonkin :owl:

A gameplay replacement for Pulsar

The reasoning for removing Primordial Arcanic Pulsar was certainly sound. But even the changes in 11.0.5. do not address the gameplay that was lost because of it’s removal.

After thinking about it I came up with an idea that might solve a few issues Moonkin had over the course of Alpha, Beta and even on live, and hopefully prevents them from popping up again in the future.

So here is my suggestion for a baseline effect for Balance Druid, inspired by a mixture of Umbral Embrace, Surge of Insanity from Shadow Priest and Tempest from Elemental Shaman:

Every 200 Astral Power spent during Lunar Eclipse replaces your next Wrath cast during Lunar Eclipse with Astral Wrath. Astral Wrath deals the same damage as Starfire in Astral spell school damage and explodes for X% of it’s damage around the target, as well as proccing every effect Wrath can proc (Touch of the Cosmos, Astral Smolder, etc.)

Every 200 Astral Power spent during Solar Eclipse replaces your next Starfire cast during Solar Eclipse with Astral Starfire. Astral Starfire deals the same damage as Wrath in Astral spell school damage as well as proccing every effect Starfire can proc (Touch of the Cosmos, Astral Smolder, etc.)

To make Celestial Alignment more impactful as a cooldown and have it meaningfully change your gameplay, I would propose to lower the threshold to proc this effect to 100 Astral Power during it and it would proc both because both Eclipses are active.

To prevent overcapping, make it stack up to 2 or 3 times.

This would do a few things:

  • Builder should not overtake spenders anymore in any scenarios because they interact with each other in a meaningful way within the base kit
  • It brings back the feeling of working towards something meaningful when spending Astral Power, similar to what Arcanic Pulsar was doing
  • It gives Moonkin a proc it desperately needs to break up the monotony of the rotation
  • Sells the fantasy of empowering your builders by overloading them with Astral energy

To make it even more impactful you could bring back the visuals that were present during for Umbral Embrace during the DF Beta for this effect.

Reshuffling of the talent tree

I like most of the changes in the talent tree going into 11.0.5. Still there is some things I would like to see addressed:

  • Warrior of Elune seems to have outlived it’s purpose, Nature’s Grace is just more intuitive and fun to cycle faster into Eclipses. Please replace this with something more interesting

  • With Circle of Life and Death, and how fast DoTs fall of right now I would like to see Stellar Flare have a change where it either applies both DoTs or refreshes them to their full duration, to spend less time redotting in Single Target situations

  • With my proposed change from above, Umbral Embrace and Umbral Inspiration would have to be redesigned. Maybe something similar to Stellar Empowerment from Legion to make DoTs scale into AoE a bit more would be nice

  • Goldrinn is still a bit of RNG for a talent that should boost our Single Target reliably. Maybe make it proc from every or every other Starsurge instead of being a 33% chance

  • Rattle the Stars is still a pretty boring node when compared to Starweaver. Maybe replace that with something more interesting that provides pure AoE, while Starweaver provides a bit of a hybrid/prio niche

  • Fury of Elune and New Moon feel a bit tacked on right now, as the talent tree rewards you for casting builders a lot. Maybe it would be interesting to reimagine those a bit, for example Moons could count as Wrath and Starfire for the purpose of some talents and proc their effects. It could also be a spender instead of a generator, proccing Starsurge effects and doing something interesting on top

Hero Talent Feedback

Elune's Chosen

The biggest issue that remains from the Alpha/Beta cycle of TWW is still Lunar Calling. It goes against the core gameplay of choosing Eclipse and casting Starfire in Single Target just is not fun. Please consider removing this an replacing it with something that captures the Arcane/Lunar theme of Elune’s Chosen without ripping apart gameplay.

Every time this talent is tuned to be the go-to, Moonkin is worse off because of it in my opinion.

Keeper of the Grove

I'm one of the people that don't hate the idea of Treants as the basis of a hero talent tree. Still, they could certainly look and feel more impactful.
Issues I had while playtesting on PTR include:
  • Bounteous Bloom generates far too much Astral Power, making you overcap or spend outside of Eclipse, especially when combined with Convoke the Spirits. Maybe consider shifting that Astral Power generation into other parts of the tree as well, or giving us more maximum Astral Power with Expansiveness.
  • Treants of the Moon remains kind of lame, I would much rather see the Treants cast Wrath or Starsurge for flavor. Spreading Moonfire is usually done while the Tank sets up the pull by the Druid itself, so you don’t want to pop Treants early and waste the DPS window just to apply a few Moonfires
  • The visuals of the hero tree are still kind of lackluster

That’s about it for now. After playing Balance Druid since the end of Mists of Pandaria I really enjoyed the visuals and playstyle of the spec. TWW is the first time I moved away from it because how awful it felt the whole of Alpha and Beta, and even going into live.

The 11.0.5 changes are certainly a step in the right direction, but a bit more gameplay similar to what I suggested above would certainly bring me (and I hope a lot of other people) back to the spec.

Thank you for reading, and have a great day :owl: