Moonkin appearance? Ever? Mage tower? Hello? REALLY?!

Yeah but using your anaology I’m not paying the person giving me 10 dollars 15 dollars a month. Before you try and turn that statement I will edit it to say I don’t mind the sub but since I am subbing its not unreasonable to expect this kind of stuff.

Your subscription fee is paying for access to the servers, it doesn’t pay for or guarantee any form of content. So the analogy is correct.

I would certainly be happy with more forms and customisation for us druids but I think that shamans should get some love first with new ghost forms.

The point is … celebrate the win… Celebrate getting new things and stop being a spoiled little baby.

Its really not you shouldnt be content with such small things when its apparent they are capable of doing more that’s what leads to bad development and is a big reason so many people quit this year. Also players asked for WAY more customization then this go look at all the forumns. Its why they are doing allied race customization early.

I like pterodactyl form. So there’s two races that don’t need glyph of stars.

Fel Shirvallah would be awesome though.

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You should probably realize that engaging in conversation with folk like that doesn’t go anywhere. They’re the equivalent of a brick wall mentally. They’d rather the game shut down from lack of players before they’d entertain the idea of someone else having something they have. Save your time and just ignore them lol.

Personally I don’t even want a knew form, give me the ability to never have a form again.

All I hear is waaah waaah waaah bay need moar, moar moar! You give me more? MOAR!!.

OK… We get it. And sure, I’ll level with you. More options are great. More skins, great. More ghost wolf or feral skin or bookin, great! Sure let’s ask for them with future things to come. But the FIRST thing you do when they announce new things, all you can say is “WHY U NO MOAR!?” Come on, have a little tact. How’s about saying thanks for these new things, but you know I’d sure like if next go around you could come up with some new ideas for X Y or Z. … It’s about how you present yourself… Asking for more options isnt wrong, and I encourage it. But Jesus dude… It’s how you do it…

Imagine being in the shoes of the guy who posted those updates… Immediate response you’d expect would be, hey cool thanks! But instead it’s "omg fail so hard y u no moar, terrible trash **** U!! "

Act like you deserve better things and maybe they’d be more inclined to give us more details. It’s no wonder the perception around here is that blizzard thinks it’s customers are idiots… I don’t blame them when you see responses like this.

Yeah you’re right just look at the new post it kind of shows how immature they are. I wanted to try and understand what their reasoning is but they are obviously a troll who is just gonna insult and repeat the same thing everytime. I probably should start picking them out better.

It’s been stated a few times that there are no additional moonkin forms because the weapon shows. Granted, I can see why balance players disagree with that. Maybe if you guys keep asking for it it’ll happen one day. Good luck to all the balance players out there who want moonkin forms :slight_smile:

I dunno, maybe there would be a bit more encouragement if the company wasn’t such a walking contradiction, Led by a Dev team who’s made it painfully obvious they have absolutely no road map for an expansion.

Ferals got a good spread of skins.

Boomies don’t get regularly kicked from pugs.

You’re right, doesn’t make acting like a brat anything but acting like a brat and I’m gonna tell that child it’s being a child. I came down on blizzard for it’s bs and I give them a piece of my mind when they do dumb things.

Ferals have a ton of different skins they can access, literally the only one they can’t get is the mage tower glowing one and thank goodness for that as I need something to flaunt over those who don’t have it.

I would love to just have customizable moonkin forms be a regular option in general

I believe it’s because boomkins can choose the astral form and also they can there weapons. Ferals and guardians can not. Although I would love new boomkin forms, especially non-laser chickens.

They’re going to read all of this and come back with

“New solar astral form glyph added.”