Moonguard Only Maintenance

Whyyyyyyyyyyyy do they do this

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Likely because the lag is rendering the game nearly unplayable for those on the server, I should think.


I haven’t been able to log in for hours. I finally just got in and the servers went down. Hopefully they fix whatever has been happening.

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Hopefully they fix the lag

Damn, so much for relaxing after work…

I should not of chosen today to Faction Change / Transfer one of my alts over…

It’s back up
go go go


Honestly, even without today’s maintenance and lag, that process has been taking forever in general.

The lag is horrendous no many forum post on this XD its to fix issues people use the noodle XD

because something clearly went wrong on MG today in particular. I had a queue to log on, and once I got in, the lag was unreal. My normal realm was not like that.

So…technical difficulties.

Stop telling people how good Moon Guard’s community is >:( the lag can only get worse.

they needed the extra time to clean out goldshire inn