
It has nothing to do with mentality. It’s about them screwing up the lore. I’d rather see them not exist at all if they’re going to so completely eff it up.

Good to see you still have no clue what you’re talking about. :roll_eyes:


They haven’t done Heritage Weapons for any set yet. I doubt they’ll be included in the Night Elf set.

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It’s so iconic that there’s a Moonglaive on the new expensive Night Elf-Themed Mount Priestess Moonsaber.

And it’s on their official icon as well.


As the waggle said up above, the moon glaive can be part of the armor set without being an actual weapon, like the Tauren and their totems.

Oh, I misunderstood what you were saying. I assumed you meant the Heritage Weapons that Blizzard mentioned ages ago.

But what are you even supposed to do with it? It looks more like a decoration or toy than a weapon.

I’m not arguing its not iconic – I’m saying its so iconic it should be part of their heritage armor, and that hasn’t been designed/revealed yet. The need for a xmog is jumping ahead of the issue imo. The other part of my argument is that, for better or worse, at this point any glaive is likely to be DH only, because Blizzard wouldn’t want to step on the toes of it’s 2nd hero class and all the mythos devoted to them.

It’s clear they have no problem stepping on the toes of any of the races, as they do it all the time.

I agree. It is unfair for other classes like the Hunters, Rogues, and Warriors to not have Warglaives. I probably rp a Warden myself if Night Elf Rogues actually had Warglaives as a Weapon.

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Night Elves absolutely should have their iconic three-bladed moonglaives available for player characters, and blood elves/nightborne should have their two-bladed spellbreakers.


Case in point. In BC, warriors and rogues could use the warglaives off Illidan. That doesn’t seem likely in the future, because the glaive is now tied to DHs.

Another of these…

Look it sucks you can’t live your fantasy completely on a char you want to, but you have the possibility with being a DH. Be glad its finally in game at all…because it wasn’t in game and obtainable for over a decade. Let DH keep their class flavor. They are the only ones that get glaives and it does as some awesome to an otherwise lacking class, as it lacks expansions worth of mog, only have a handful of actual glaive mogs as is (most are just the same skin but recolors), and only get 2 specs. Focus on what you have, not what you don’t. That or ask blizz to put in all the mog DH have missed out on, and more glaives. I would love them to have alot of those really basic dual sided katana kind that the DH trainees use around the BT, etc. Still none for those despite being in game files of ages.

Which is why Class Only Weapons and Class only races doesn’t make good player choice. I mean Glaives should a weapon option. Its like saying hey Two Handed Hammers are only for Paladins instead of Warriors and Death Knights. People would get tried of not having Hammers and Mallets on these two Plated Classes instead of having to be forced to play Paladin.


Blizz gives something only to a class after people complain about wanting class flavor, and they complain they want that class flavor thing for everyone else.

If they add in librams for paladins, they will want them for priests, if they add something that could arguably be used of a warrior for a DK. they will complain for everyone to get that.

Class identity is still important. It doesn’t remove anything from you for them having it.


The Moonglaive fantasy is traditional Night Elf weaponry.

Demon Hunter fantasy is outcast from Night Elf society.

They couldn’t possibly be more incompatible.

Giving a Moonglaive to a Demon Hunter and calling it “class flavor” is like giving a Scourge Runeblade as a Paladin Exclusive.

Moonglaives are not the same thing as Warglaives.


Moonglaives are to NE like Metamorphosis is to DH = exclusive.

Right, Morty?!

I really wish Demon Hunters didn’t exist…


Yes please. I want the spell breaker weapon! And Shield! (for my Pally).

The Sunwell Shield looks more like the back of a lady bug than a Spell Breaker shield.


I think many at Blizzard are still dumfounded that anyone would want to play anything other than a human or on orc.

  1. Monks warriors rogues and demon hunters are fine with them. Not priests or druids, that’d just be weird.

  2. Demon hunters are night elves, and blood elves. So it makes sense that right now they can use them. Just because old illi has glaives doesn’t mean all his followers would be so lucky.

  3. I think the elves are getting over the whole “omg a demon hunter!” Thing. They have deathknights running around, afterall.

Priestesses carried them, iirc. So not that weird. But I’d be fine with just melee.

Not it doesn’t. Because this:

Not enough to give a sacred iconic blade carried by Sentinels and Wardens to those they outcast and fought against.