Moonfury doesn't scale properly

Fix what? Nothing is broken.

In light of Hunter Ranged AP fixes on PTR, can we get an update on this talent if it was an “unintended technical limitation”? According to that calculator, at 800 spellpower (a typical amount for a moonkin with full consumes at this stage of the game), Moonkin lose about 100 extra damage on a noncrit Starfire spellcast due to the way Moonfury scales, so this isn’t exactly a minor issue.

Plenty of other talents, like Warlock’s Emberstorm and Shadow Mastery, Mage’s Fire Power and Piercing Ice and Arcane Instability, and even Shaman’s Concussion all scale with spellpower, or so I’ve heard. But Moonfury does not, giving Moonkin a severe DPS penalty simply because the way a talent was coded. Obviously I’m uncertain if this constitutes the “unintentional technical limitations” that justified the Hunter changes on PTR, but then again I’m sure nobody except those who work on Classic know for sure what that entails.

Additionally, you may want to check out the Idol of the Moon. It has a similar scaling issue, and only adds a small, fixed amount of damage.


The necromancy energies are strong in you!


Fix Moonfury and Idol of the Moon.

If warrior’s can have diamond flask shenanigans then we should get our dunce hat prizes!

yep, this needs to be fixed

Not enough moonkins bumping this thread, we needa cry more like the hunters do

100% this needs to be fixed. And Idol of the moon scaling with SP