Moonfire/Sunfire Target of my Target

Hi, I need help with a macro

I want to hit one button that will
target of my target
Cast moonfire
Cast sunfire
Cast my #15 trinket
Say i’ve cast my trinket
Go back to my last target

Been trying to put something together, but it’s not working out great

I don’t play a druid, but my understanding is that both Sunfire and Moonfire are on the gcd. Wow will only cast 1 GCD-spell in a macro so this will require a minimum of 2 activations. Also, trinket slots are 13 and 14. They usually aren’t on the gcd so it’s generally possible to do a spell and trinket in 1 macro activation.

/cast [mod,@targettarget,harm,nodead][mod]Moonfire;[@targettarget,harm,nodead][] Sunfire
/use [@targettarget,harm,nodead][] 13

Hold down a modifier key (ctrl/shift/alt – must not be part of a keybind ) and it casts Moonfire otherwise it casts Sunfire. Your target’s target is preferred but if it’s not an living enemy, it will cast normally on your target (if possible). Trinket is fired in the same way.