So, I’ve recently began hunting for my first guild on the server, and I’ve ran into a problem: I cannot find any resources that are active to help me look for one. All of the threads on here appear to be either completely inactive and outdated, including threads for community resources like the wold MG Wiki and Discord server. So, I’m making this thread with the goal for people to share what resources they are aware of here.
This is not for posting about any specific guild. If you know of an active resource, then please share it! That means a Discord server, an active and updated guild listing or wiki, a thread or posting (either off or on-site), IRC, WIM, an in-game chat channel, anything that you know about that allows for people to connect with the community or advertise their guilds in an organized or decentralized fashion.
If there are no active listings or resources, then it may be time to create a new one - but for now, I want to see if people know of any that are still updated and maintained. If so, please, let the rest of us know about it!
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The Horde Vanguard (THV) is a MoonGuard-US Horde RolePlay Guild Community centered around the concept of the Horde and its many facets.
We are quite busy over in THV. Events happen regularly, and we have a small campaign happening next week.
The Horde Vanguard
3 helpful Discords:
^ good for general questions, RP stuff, finding guilds, etc.
^ more alliance specific option / good resource for finding guilds and stuff.
^ more horde specific option / good resource
There is also another horde community, that I see keeps getting left out. So might as well slap both up there!
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Sorry for the delayed response, I DM for some TRPG groups and had to do a bunch of prep work. Thanks so much for everyone’s contributions thus far! I remember way back in the day, there used to be a Moon Guard wiki that was constantly updated with player characters, server lore, etc. I went to check up on it again and it seems… really outdated. By any chance, is there a new one floating around? Is updated with characters quite often still.
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